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I uninstalled the bot agent, used the uninstall.batch file on C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Bot Agent


while i was trying to install the bot agent, it gave this error” 

Unable to connect to the Control Room and it may be due to not being able validate the SSL certificate presented by the Control Room.

This may be due to multiple reasons. To continue, please 1. Check to see if the SSL certificate has been added to the Java Key Store that is bundled with the bot agent. Then, try again.

If you continue to see this message, please contact your system administrator.”


what should i do next?

@Semih 3318 please find attached document for step by step process for this issue resolution

@Semih 3318 please find attached document for step by step process for this issue resolution

Hi @rbkadiyam , thank you for your reply.

Is “ADWebCA01” something related to the control room link which we need to download the certificate? because i dont see ADWebCA01 there

Hi @Semih 3318 ,

Please follow the instructions provided below:


  1. Download the Intermediate Certificate from the chrome browser and save it in .CER format at the location: C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Bot Agent\jre\bin

Here is the link to download the intermediate certificate from the browser:

  1. Run the command prompt as administrator

  2. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Bot Agent\jre\bin

  3. Use the following command to import the certificate in the keystore:

keytool -import -alias example -keystore "C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Bot Agent\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -file "D:\cert\xyz.cer"

Note: Mention the destination path of the certificate along with the file name.

  1. Enter password : "changeit"

  2. Enter “Y”

  3. You will see the message that the certificate was imported successfully

  4. Go to the Start option and search for MMC.

  5. Open the console Root and click on Certificates.

  6. It will open the certificates snap-in. Please select Computer Account and give a Next.

  7. Please select Local Computer option from select Computer screen and click on Finish.

  8. Go to the Trusted Root Certificates and right click on Certificates -> All Tasks -> Import.

  9. It will open the certificate import wizard. Please select Next.

  10. Need to specify the file which need to Import. So click on Browse and select the Intermediate certificate. Ex. Inm.cer. Then Click on Next.

  11. It opens the Certificate Store. Please select "Place all certificates in the following store" and click Next.

  12. It will show message "Import was successful" once it is done.

  13. Please restart the machine and you will be able to register the device.

  14. If after this also the same error is encountered, follow steps mentioned in the below document to import the proxy credentials.


Note: If third party trusted certificate is used, the certificate will be automatically added to the keystore. However, in cases where a valid third party certificate is not used then manual intervention would be required for sure.




@Semih 3318 Yes correct, ADWebCA01 is web cert 

@Semih 3318 Yes correct, ADWebCA01 is web cert 

I tried but now it gives an error as “Automation Anywhere bot agent service install configuration fail to register and return error(5)” @rbkadiyam 

Hi @Semih 3318 

Please follow the KB if you have error(5)




Hi @Semih 3318 

Please follow the KB if you have error(5)




Hello @Raul Jaimes  thank you for your reply, and sorry for my late answer

There has been one controlroom machine which i have been using for the botrunner. and there is another controlroom newly installed. I am told that if i uninstall and install bot agent on botrunner, it will connect to newly controlroom machine(ip settings are made for this)

With your answer, i was able to reinstall botagent, and uploaded the ssl certificate afterwards. But it still connects to old controlroom, not the new one. 

Do you know what i should do? thanks

Hi @Semih 3318 

Post uninstall hope you are logging into new CR and then setting up Bot Agent right? In this way it will not allow you to connect to old CR.

Also Post uninstall delete Automation Anywhere folder in the below path and try again.


Hi @Semih 3318 

Post uninstall hope you are logging into new CR and then setting up Bot Agent right? In this way it will not allow you to connect to old CR.

Also Post uninstall delete Automation Anywhere folder in the below path and try again.


Hi @ChanduMohammad  actually i havent logged in new or old controlroom either, i just reinstalled botagent on botrunner, and added ssl certificate

Since controlroom does not have botagent, i didnt understand why i shoud log in to new controlroom. What setting should i have done there?

thanks for replying

Hi @Semih 3318 ,

Try to take a look at the file:


(this is  system protected, you will need Admin privilegies)

Probably you will notice the old Control-Room there.  Was removed the device from old Control-Room in the Devices section?

Kindly try to follow the steps below if the issue persists, admin privileges will be needed.

Another option is uninstall again, and deleting the follow folders:

1. C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Bot Agent

2. %ProgramData%\AutomationAnywhere\GlobalCache\embedded-resources

3. C:\ProgramData\AutomationAnywhere

4. C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere

5. C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\AutomationAnywhere

6. C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\AutomationAnywhere

Then, repeat the installation process of bot agent.




Hi @Semih 3318 ,

You need to login to new CR with bot runner id, and then download the bot agent and complete the registration so it will map the device to the right CR. Just installing the bot agent will not map the device to the new CR

Checkout below tutorial for your reference,

Hi @Raul Jaimes  I cant figure out which control room is in the properties file. Because new controlroom and old controlroom links are the same, maybe i miss something, but when i log in both controlrooms, i see both links are the same

Hi @Semih 3318 

Are you taking about CR URL or below path?


No two CR links will ever be same

Hi @ChanduMohammad what does it mean that i should login to new controlroom with botrunner id? Sorry, i couldnt understand, its my first time to try switching controlrooms, so i got stucked

Hi @ChanduMohammad 

I am taking the both controlroom url

its the old controlroom’home page link:

its second:

*NAME* is the same on both

Hey @Semih 3318 

No problem, completely understand the situation.

Consider you have old CR link Ex: ` and a new one i.e `

You are trying to setup Device registration for new CR i.e `, checkout below steps.

  1. Delete below folder


  1. Delete Device from CR» Device section
  2. Uninstall existing Bot Agent
  3. Login to the new CRURL in the browser i.e `
  4. Click on Connect Device to the left side of the screen
  5. Continue following the displayed instructions for Bot Agent download and installation

Hi @ChanduMohammad 

I am taking the both controlroom url

its the old controlroom’home page link:

its second:

*NAME* is the same on both

No worries please checkout above resolution and let us know if that helps

@ChanduMohammad thank you for the replies, i did first 3 steps, but when i enter new controlroom link which is same with old one, it goes to the old one, so even if i install botagent again, it will probably go to old one now, i didnt understand how the links for home-AAcontrolroom can be same

Hi @Semih 3318 

Please check with your IT or SPOC who has shared the new CR link, both are same or mystery behind it.

If this is not helping you please log a support case with AA

@ChanduMohammad thank you for the replies, i did first 3 steps, but when i enter new controlroom link which is same with old one, it goes to the old one, so even if i install botagent again, it will probably go to old one now, i didnt understand how the links for home-AAcontrolroom can be same

So, the ip’s were changed?


Thank you for the replies @ChanduMohammad  and @Raul Jaimes 

ill update once its solved


@Raul Jaimes yes, links for both controlroom are same but only the IP adress are different. botrunner is same , i just try to use it for newly installed botrunner. I deleted botagent on botrunner, and deleted botrunner device on the old controlroom

ok, @Semih 3318 ,

So, seems  you have two differents ip’s for two different control-rooms and just only one name address.  

As @ChanduMohammad mentioned, you will need to involve your  IT/SPOC  team. it seems you will need and additional DNS record, but it will be a different name address.




ok, @Semih 3318 ,

So, seems  you have two differents ip’s for two different control-rooms and just only one name address.  

As @ChanduMohammad mentioned, you will need to involve your  IT/SPOC  team. it seems you will need and additional DNS record, but it will be a different name address.




Interesting one though @Raul Jaimes @Semih 3318  
