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Attached screenshot. uncopied texts have been highlighted in yellow. Particularly, the editable section in the table is not reflected in the downloaded csv file. Checked for hidden characters and also tried to open in notepad.
We face an issue in our VDI Machines from Friday 8/4 as we cannot open the Automation Anywhere application to run our processes.The error message appears in the attach file.Access Bridge status: Automation Anywhere.exe - Application errorThe instruction at 0x000000006ADBEEA6 referenced memory at 0x00000000083F1004.The memory could not be read.
i am trying to get the email id from my out look message , but in key " emialTo" store name of person which is store in outlooks contact detail . can any one advise how to get only email instead of name .
I want to set cell values in excel file using 3 conditions Every conditions has more than 2000 lines of code. Can i Use Modular bot concept and make 3 Bots seperate 3 task bots to set cells in same excel file. Three conditions are setting cells in same excel file. accoring to my knowledge following are some options 1) Use one task bot to do 3 conditions and set cells in same excel file.2) Use 3 Task Bots to set cells in same excel file I have dought in second option because for every condition, I might be open excel file and it will be not proper way. What you think? Which Option is better or is there another way to do above task I want set cells in same file for each conditions.. Thank You.Rajkumar
I used to run bots on a Laptop with Windows 7, but recently I just can't run it properly anymore. My bot open the browser but can't capture any field or type any text. It just keeps stuck at the same line of execution. The same happens on Chrome, Firefox or Edge. I've tried on 2 machines with windows 10 and it works normally. How can I proceed?
How can I format Excel Cells using AA (either wth formula or command) with No keystrokes or manual intervention?
Hi I am trying to set up a bot with the recorder but somehow the recorder doesn't recognize the button instead it recognizes a window. Could you tell me what I have to do/change that it recognizes the button?
where the users credentials of Control Room being saved in the data base?
I am now trying to automate the Salesforce application. All the domxpath are comes IFRAME. What are the alternative methods to automate salesforce. I am trying to download weekly report from salesforce.
It is taking too long for the BOT to download to the destination device for the first time the bot executes. What can a bot developer do to reduce this first run delay ?
How do you use triggers and deploy from a DEV and PRD environment? Do you create two triggers in the bot, one for DEV and one for PRD? Then only update the DEV control room with the DEV trigger and same for PRD?
In the XML example below, what is the XML path in AA to get to a value like the price of the book 'Everyday Italian' without looping through the nodes. I think in VBA something like this works://book[title/text()='Everyday Italian']/price but that gives me an error in AA '//DefaultNSPrefix:book[title/DefaultNSPrefix:text()='Everyday Italian']/DefaultNSPrefix:price' has an invalid token. Example XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <bookstore> <book category="cooking"> <title lang="en">Everyday Italian</title> <author>Giada De Laurentiis</author> <year>2005</year> <price>30.00</price></book> <book category="children"> <title lang="en">Harry Potter</title> <author>J K. Rowling</author> <year>2005</year> <price>29.99</price></book> <book category=&quo
Hello, We recently provisioned A360 control control rooms, Does could A360 Control room comes with version control by default? or Do we need to manually configure Git integration? Thanks in advance!
All of our bots are current using IE browser and MS is no longer support IE starting June 15. We are having issue to get initial set up for Chrome. We need your help with initial set up so that we can able to record in Chrome.
Error Description : [ERROR]:System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800401E3): Operation unavailable (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800401E3 (MK_E_UNAVAILABLE)) at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject(Guid& rclsid, IntPtr reserved, Object& ppunk) at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject(String progID) at OutlookWrapper.OutlookWrapper.SelectProfile(String ProfileName, String ProfilePassword)
When iam adding the username in credentials iam getting below error
In v11.3.2 AA settings.xml html tags issue in email body were resolved when below part is added. <sendmail> <resolvehtmltags>true</resolvehtmltags> </sendmail> Is this the same approach to follow in A360 or is there any alternate way? Please suggest. Thanks.
I am trying to add the username in credentials but . It is not accepting the username and it is showing some error . Because of this reason I am unable to run my BOT
AA360 cannot calculate negative numbers at all. only positive digits work. examble: I have variable num 0 if I use Number:Decrement by 1 I get error message if I use number Assing num -1 i get error message
I have created a BOT to open the URL link from an email. I am using 'Browser Open', i am able to open the URL in Chrome but not in Edge. Error: The page that you are trying to access cannot be loaded.
Is there a way to get notifications/alerts from Web Control Room when for example a bot is stuck/paused for any reason?
I am trying to create a Multi-login user, but the checkbox to allow multiple sessions never appears for me. I tried playing around with roles (using AE_Admin, custom admin roles, etc) to see if I could allow multiple sessions, but it never appeared. Any help would be welcome!Thanks
Web Automation Package - is there a way to connect to already existing Chrome/ Edge browser? Thanks a lot!