Congrats on completing Challenge #1!
Are you ready to take your automation skills to the next level and make a tangible impact on your organization? Welcome to Challenge #2 of Automate the Universe!
The Challenge:
In this challenge, we're focusing on identifying a business challenge that automation can improve or solve. Whether it's a problem you're currently facing, one you've overcome in the past, or a new area you're interested in exploring, this is your opportunity to showcase your expertise and creativity.
Consider the following questions as you brainstorm ideas for your challenge submission:
- What repetitive tasks consume a significant amount of time in your workflow?
- Are there manual processes that could be streamlined or automated to increase efficiency?
- Do you encounter bottlenecks or delays in specific areas?
- Are there tasks that require high accuracy but are prone to human error?
- Are there compliance or regulatory requirements that automation could help you meet more effectively?
Submission Criteria:
Submit your solution as a comment on this dedicated post, either in writing or through a link to a short demo video. Please include:
- A challenge statement that describes your chosen professional challenge
- A solution statement that explains how Automation Anywhere can help to improve or solve this challenge
This challenge is open-ended, allowing you to explore any business challenge you encounter or envision. You have the freedom to propose solutions without the need to share specific company details, ensuring confidentiality and encouraging participation. It's an opportunity to delve into new areas and expand your automation horizons.
All submissions will earn the Automate the Universe Challenge #2 badge and get another step closer to the Trifecta Award:

Ready to showcase your expertise and transform your business with automation? Join us in Challenge #2 and make your mark in the world of automation!