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Automate the Universe Challenge #2

Automate the Universe Challenge #2

Congrats on completing Challenge #1!

Are you ready to take your automation skills to the next level and make a tangible impact on your organization? Welcome to Challenge #2 of Automate the Universe!

The Challenge:


In this challenge, we're focusing on identifying a business challenge that automation can improve or solve. Whether it's a problem you're currently facing, one you've overcome in the past, or a new area you're interested in exploring, this is your opportunity to showcase your expertise and creativity.

Consider the following questions as you brainstorm ideas for your challenge submission:

  • What repetitive tasks consume a significant amount of time in your workflow?
  • Are there manual processes that could be streamlined or automated to increase efficiency?
  • Do you encounter bottlenecks or delays in specific areas?
  • Are there tasks that require high accuracy but are prone to human error?
  • Are there compliance or regulatory requirements that automation could help you meet more effectively?


Submission Criteria:

Submit your solution as a comment on this dedicated post, either in writing or through a link to a short demo video. Please include:

  • A challenge statement that describes your chosen professional challenge
  • A solution statement that explains how Automation Anywhere can help to improve or solve this challenge

This challenge is open-ended, allowing you to explore any business challenge you encounter or envision. You have the freedom to propose solutions without the need to share specific company details, ensuring confidentiality and encouraging participation. It's an opportunity to delve into new areas and expand your automation horizons.


All submissions will earn the Automate the Universe Challenge #2 badge and get another step closer to the Trifecta Award: 






Ready to showcase your expertise and transform your business with automation? Join us in Challenge #2 and make your mark in the world of automation!




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35 replies

Badge +4

Challenge Statement:

In our corporate environment, the on boarding process for new employees is time-consuming and prone to errors. It involves multiple manual tasks such as data entry, document processing, and system updates, leading to delays and inefficiencies in getting new hires up and running smoothly.


Solution Statement:

Automation Anywhere offers a comprehensive solution to streamline and improve the on boarding process for new employees. By leveraging RPA (Robotic Process Automation) technology, we can automate repetitive tasks such as data entry, document verification, account setup, and system updates. Bots can be programmed to extract information from various sources, populate forms accurately, and trigger notifications for necessary approvals. This reduces the time spent on manual tasks and minimizes the risk of errors, ensuring a faster and more reliable on boarding experience.

Additionally, Automation Anywhere's intelligent automation capabilities enable us to create workflows that adapt to changing requirements and comply with regulatory standards seamlessly. By automating compliance checks and documentation processes, we can ensure that new hires are on boarded in accordance with company policies and industry regulations.

Overall, implementing Automation Anywhere in our on boarding process not only increases efficiency and accuracy but also enhances the employee experience by providing a smoother transition into the organization.

Badge +5

Challenge Statement:

I faced a complex scenario where 25 distinct processes needed to run in parallel. The use of a workload manager (WLM) was not feasible because each process required a unique input. The challenge was to efficiently utilize client VMs and ensure that the outputs of all processes were delivered simultaneously. To tackle this, I designed a comprehensive orchestration system for these 25 processes. Discover the solution and see how I addressed this problem.


Solution Statement:

Thanks to Automation Anywhere APIs, I designed an orchestration bot that leverages Automation anywhere APIs to address this challenge. I created a mapping file defining the allocation of VMs for each process. For example, Process A is assigned max 2 VMs, and Process B is assigned max 3 VMs etc and also defined the priority. If there are idle machines available, the orchestration bot dynamically deploys processes to these VMs. Even when all dedicated VMs are occupied, the bot batches input data and queues processes based on priority. It was exciting to work with the APIs and develop an innovative solution that optimizes resource utilization. This is how I successfully tackled the problem.

Badge +4

Challenge Statement:

In RPA, when an automation bot encounters an error, it triggers an email to the support team according to the error handling condition. However, to address the bot issue, a support team member must first review these emails, then navigate to the project management tool to create a support ticket, and finally begin addressing the issue. This process can be time-consuming for support personnel.

To streamline this process, the solution is as follows:


Solution Statement:

To address the challenge mentioned, I developed a Support Ticket creation bot. This bot is designed to be called in the catch block to handle any errors that occur. When triggered, the bot uses the tool's API to create a ticket in the project management tool. The ticket includes all necessary details such as the error message, error line, bot name, and machine name on which the bot was running. This streamlined approach allows the support person to quickly access the ticket and begin addressing the bot issue.


Userlevel 2
Badge +8

Challenge Statement:
Any IT department faces the challenge of managing guest user accounts effectively. When guest users do not accept invitations or remain inactive, these accounts can pose security risks and lead to unnecessary administrative overhead. Manually tracking and managing these accounts is time-consuming and prone to errors. There is a need for an automated solution to clean up guest user accounts, ensuring timely reminders and disabling inactive accounts.

Solution Statement:
To automate the cleanup of guest user accounts. This solution will monitor guest user activities, send reminders, and disable accounts based on predefined criteria, ensuring efficient and secure management of guest user accounts.

Improved Security, Enhanced Efficiency, Consistency, Time-saving, Proactive Management.

By implementing this solution, the IT department can ensure efficient and secure management of guest user accounts, reducing administrative overhead and mitigating security risks associated with inactive accounts.

Badge +5

Problem Statement: In the context of human resources and talent acquisition, sourcing candidates for job openings is a critical but time-consuming task. 

Solution statement: Automates the candidate sourcing process to identify and engage potential candidates efficiently. The system should be capable of:

Job Requirement Analysis: Develop algorithms to analyze job requirements and extract key criteria such as skills, experience, qualifications, and location. The RPA solution should understand the specific needs of each job opening to target relevant candidates effectively.

Data Extraction and Aggregation: Implement bots to crawl various sources of candidate data, including job boards, social media platforms, professional networks, and resume databases. The RPA solution should extract candidate profiles, resumes, and contact information from these sources and aggregate them into a centralized database.

Candidate Screening: Develop screening criteria based on job requirements and use them to filter and prioritize candidate profiles. The RPA solution should assess candidate qualifications, skills, and experience against predefined criteria to identify potential matches.

Outreach and Engagement: Implement automated communication channels, such as email, messaging, or chatbots, to reach out to potential candidates and initiate engagement. The RPA solution should send personalized messages or notifications to candidates to inform them about job opportunities and encourage them to apply.

Application Tracking: Develop mechanisms to track candidate responses and applications throughout the recruitment process. The RPA solution should log interactions, record application status updates, and schedule follow-up actions to ensure timely and effective communication with candidates.

Candidate Relationship Management: Design a system for managing relationships with candidates and nurturing talent pipelines for future opportunities. The RPA solution should maintain candidate profiles, track communication history, and categorize candidates based on their qualifications and interests.

Compliance and Data Privacy: Ensure compliance with data protection regulations and privacy policies when collecting and processing candidate information. The RPA solution should adhere to legal requirements regarding consent, data security, and confidentiality to protect candidate privacy.

Performance Monitoring and Optimization: Implement monitoring tools to track the performance of the RPA solution in terms of candidate sourcing efficiency, response rates, and quality of hires. Analyze data insights to identify areas for optimization and continuously improve the sourcing process.

By addressing these objectives, the RPA solution will streamline the candidate sourcing process, reduce manual effort, and accelerate the recruitment cycle, leading to improved talent acquisition outcomes and organizational efficiency.

Badge +4

Problem Statement :Invoice processing is a critical yet time-consuming task within many businesses. The process often involves receiving invoices from various vendors, verifying details, matching them with purchase orders, entering data into the accounting system, and ensuring timely payments. This manual process can lead to several inefficiencies and issues.

Solution Statement: 1. The process of entering invoice details into the accounting system is highly repetitive and time-consuming.

  1. Verifying invoice details and matching them with purchase orders and receipts often requires manual effort.
  2. Invoices can pile up during peak times or when key staff are unavailable, leading to delays in processing and payment.

Use Automation Anywhere to develop bots that can capture data from invoices (received via email, PDF, or scanned documents) using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology.

Deploy bots to automatically verify invoice details against purchase orders and receipts.

Use Automation Anywhere to create a workflow automation that routes invoices to the appropriate stakeholders for approval based on predefined rules.

Integrate Automation Anywhere bots with the accounting system to automate the payment process for approved invoices.



Badge +4

Problem Statement: Restaurants rely on food distributors to provide full deliveries. Any time an item is out of stock or the quantity ordered is more than what can be delivered can create chaos and issues for busy restaurants. Restaurant owners need the maximum amount of time to know if their normal delivery will be short so they can source other options. It is the responsibility of the customers sales rep to inform them of the shortage. This is a time consuming and often missed communication due to the sales reps busy schedule. 

Solution Statement: Using A360 task bots we have created a bot that pulls Snowflake data from the previous days fulfillment and compares it to the Purchase Order. If a short is identified the bot will email the restaurant contact and the sales rep to inform them that their next order will be short so they have maximum amount of time to prepare for the missing items. This automated notification improves our customer relationship and allows our sales reps to focus on new business or handling more pressing issues. 

Badge +5

Challenge Statement:

In my organization, developers must log the details of their activities in a Project Management System every day. This system is web-based but uses a MySQL database. The problem is that many activities are not created as events in schedules and calendars because each worker manages their own time.


Solution Statement:

The proposed solution consists of two parts:

  • Logging activities based on the Outlook Calendar: Logging activities based on calendar meetings. An Automation Anywhere bot could take the meetings using the MS 365 package and input their duration and description into the project management system, either directly into the database or through the system's web front end.
  • Intelligent agent for non-calendar-based activities: An intelligent agent based on CoPilot for business users could allow us to log the activity we are performing in natural language and trigger the logging flow automatically.
Badge +9

Challenge Statement:
Customers often provide feedback about products on various websites. Manually checking each review is time-consuming and labor-intensive. It can be challenging for the team to keep up with the volume of reviews, analyze customer opinions, and derive meaningful insights.

Solution Statement:
To address this issue, we can implement a bot that will automate the extraction of customer feedback from websites and compile the data into an Excel sheet. This automation will help the team efficiently analyze customer opinions and improve product development and customer service.

Badge +4

Challenge Statement:

Managing the reading and processing of complex documents, such as contracts, is a common challenge that often involves time-consuming tasks such as identifying key clauses, extracting important data and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. Even performing a quick analysis and determining the type of contract and important points to consider.

Solution Statement:

Automation Anywhere can significantly improve and streamline the document management process by leveraging its Document Automation capabilities integrated with AI technologies.

Automation Anywhere's Document Automation can be programmed to trigger when a contract is uploaded to a specific folder or system. These bots, integrated with AI assistants such as Gen AI Models, can analyze the content of the contract, classify the type of document, and extract key data points such as contract terms, parties involved, dates, and compliance clauses. The extracted data can then be validated using predefined rules and AI-driven techniques to ensure accuracy. Based on the analysis, the system can generate alerts or reminders for contract renewals, compliance checks, or other actions.


  • Accelerate Business Processes: Empower teams with real-time data extracted from contracts, grounded in company's knowledge base.
  • Improved Data Quality: Eliminate human error and validate data before it enters your business-critical systems.
  • Lower Cost of Ownership: Reduce the time to configure document extraction projects and get started instantly with pre-built document models.
  • Process Any Document Type: Easily custom-tailor document processing with your models, languages, and enterprise knowledge