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Automate the Universe Challenge #2

Automate the Universe Challenge #2

Congrats on completing Challenge #1!

Are you ready to take your automation skills to the next level and make a tangible impact on your organization? Welcome to Challenge #2 of Automate the Universe!

The Challenge:


In this challenge, we're focusing on identifying a business challenge that automation can improve or solve. Whether it's a problem you're currently facing, one you've overcome in the past, or a new area you're interested in exploring, this is your opportunity to showcase your expertise and creativity.

Consider the following questions as you brainstorm ideas for your challenge submission:

  • What repetitive tasks consume a significant amount of time in your workflow?
  • Are there manual processes that could be streamlined or automated to increase efficiency?
  • Do you encounter bottlenecks or delays in specific areas?
  • Are there tasks that require high accuracy but are prone to human error?
  • Are there compliance or regulatory requirements that automation could help you meet more effectively?


Submission Criteria:

Submit your solution as a comment on this dedicated post, either in writing or through a link to a short demo video. Please include:

  • A challenge statement that describes your chosen professional challenge
  • A solution statement that explains how Automation Anywhere can help to improve or solve this challenge

This challenge is open-ended, allowing you to explore any business challenge you encounter or envision. You have the freedom to propose solutions without the need to share specific company details, ensuring confidentiality and encouraging participation. It's an opportunity to delve into new areas and expand your automation horizons.


All submissions will earn the Automate the Universe Challenge #2 badge and get another step closer to the Trifecta Award: 






Ready to showcase your expertise and transform your business with automation? Join us in Challenge #2 and make your mark in the world of automation!




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35 replies

  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 578 replies
  • April 17, 2024

Hello All, 


I am thinking this would help most of enterprise work assignment through bots.


Problem Statement ::

Assigning Incident / Request for Service to appropriate Team member and update a feature within JIRA story

  • I have bunch of support team for our Robotics team to maintain bots in production and resolve issues in SDLC and production environment. 
  • Incident will be created for Production issues and Request for Service tickets created for SDLC environments.
  • Have to assign the tickets based on the workload of each resource and the type of issue that they worked earlier for quicker resolution 
  • Once ticket assigned to resource, a automatic JIRA story will be created but feature will not be updated. Hence again feature to be updated with in JIRA based on the type of the story / enhancement request / environmental issue / bot specific issue etc.,

Solution Satement::

Bot should pull the report from Service Now and check each resource how many active incidents / tickets in their queue and SLA for each ticket, If any one have less than threshold tickets check the resource is tied with specific label that this incident / ticket created under. if both matches, assign ticket to resource and login back to JIRA and update JIRA feature based on the tag in the ticket (have to consider the incident/ ticket owner timezone and resource timezone).

Also, on daily basis if any tickets pending beyond SLA to be send to resource as well as reporting manager. 

Ganesh Bhat
Most Valuable Pathfinder
  • Most Valuable Pathfinder
  • 73 replies
  • April 30, 2024

Challenge Statement:

In our organization, we struggle with managing and coordinating schedules for meetings and events across multiple teams and departments. This manual process often leads to scheduling conflicts, wasted time, and missed opportunities for collaboration.



Solution Statement:

Automation Anywhere can streamline our scheduling process by developing a bot that integrates with our calendar systems and communication platforms. This bot can analyze participants' availability, suggest optimal meeting times based on predefined criteria, and automatically send out invitations and reminders. Additionally, it can monitor responses, handle rescheduling requests, and update calendars in real-time to ensure everyone is informed and aligned. By automating the scheduling workflow, we can eliminate conflicts, save time, and improve overall productivity and collaboration within the organization.

  • Most Valuable Pathfinder
  • 2693 replies
  • May 1, 2024

Challenge Statement:

During daily stand-up meetings or technical code reviews, a significant amount of time is spent discussing current or new task assignments, as well as determining who will be involved in addressing existing issues or making improvements. Manually generating and distributing meeting minutes with action items adds to time consumption and increases the likelihood of missing actionable items.

Solution Statement:

We can leverage Automation Success Platform to automate the creation and distribution of meeting minutes with assigned tasks, significantly improving team efficiency. Here's how:

  1. Meeting Recording and Transcription: Utilize A360's integration capabilities to connect with your video conferencing platform (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams) to transcribe audio to text

  2. Keyword Identification and Task Extraction: The bot will then scan the transcribed text for keywords indicating tasks or assignments (e.g., "I'll work on," "needs to be fixed"). 

  3. Minute Generation and Task Assignment: Based on the extracted information, the bot will automatically generate a meeting minute document. This document will include:

    • Meeting date and attendees
    • Key discussion points summarized from the transcript
    • Action items with assigned owners and deadlines (extracted from keywords)
  4. Distribution and Notification: The bot will automatically send the generated meeting minutes and task assignments via email to all attendees. Additionally, bot can create issues in Jira or preferred SDLC tools

Note : For point 2 & 3 you can leverage Generative AI package 


Zaid Chougle
Navigator | Tier 3
  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 217 replies
  • May 2, 2024


Challenge Statement:
Each company maintains a Talent Acquisition department responsible for recruiting experienced candidates based on job descriptions provided by third parties. The hiring team typically consults with the technical department to determine the specific candidate profile outlined in the job description. However, if the technical team is unavailable or preoccupied with other tasks, the hiring process may be delayed. Such delays can result in a tarnished reputation with third-party clients and, in severe cases, could jeopardize potential deals.

Solution Statement:
With the help of Gen AI, Automation can reduce the time taken to categorize potential candidates and fast track the hiring process.
A BOT which goes by the name“TalentSpotter”😎:

  • The first step involves filling out a form where essential details such as designation, years of experience, base location, and salary are required.( Which will be done by the one who triggers the BOT)🙇🏻
  • Upon receiving the input, the BOT will proceed to log in to the recruitment portal/application and initiate a candidate search based on the provided input.📑
  • The BOT will retrieve essential information from the portal/application, including but not limited to: name, contact details, skills, profile description, years of experience, base location, and then populate it into an Excel sheet/Google Sheet/database, or any other designated source.💾

The traditional automation mentioned above might be what comes to mind for most people. However, to further streamline the hiring team's workflow, we can enhance it by integrating GenAI.

  • Once the data scraping is completed, the BOT will review the available job description (JD) and compare it with the candidates extracted from the portal/application. It will then determine which candidate is the most suitable match for this JD and set a flag accordingly (for example, setting TRUE if the profile is deemed suitable).
  • This process will assist the hiring team in narrowing down the selection from the pool of available candidates, enabling them to proceed with the next steps more effectively.

The integration with GenAI mentioned above will expedite the hiring process for the team, reducing reliance on the technical team.

To enhance the solution further, we could implement a flag on the output source indicating the suitability of profiles. Candidates meeting the criteria would then be sent a form to select upcoming dates for a technical round interview. Upon selecting a date, a Google Calendar invitation would be shared with the candidate and the technical team, further streamlining the process. Just a thought😅, need to make it foolproof🙋🏻.

This solution will be a lifesaver for the hiring team, greatly simplifying and accelerating both the hiring and technical round scheduling processes

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the problem statement and the proposed solution. What are your impressions?

Tamil Arasu10
Most Valuable Pathfinder
  • Most Valuable Pathfinder
  • 3274 replies
  • May 2, 2024

Challenge Statement: In our organization, the process of onboarding new employees involves numerous repetitive tasks that consume a significant amount of HR staff's time. These tasks include collecting new hire information, creating accounts, setting up access to various systems, and providing training materials. The manual nature of these processes not only leads to inefficiencies but also increases the risk of errors and delays in getting new employees fully onboarded and productive.

Solution Statement: Automation Anywhere helps to improve and streamline the employee onboarding process by automating various tasks involved. A bot can be created to handle tasks such as collecting new hire information through a digital form, PDF and Word Docs, automatically populating HR databases with the gathered data, generating employee IDs and accounts across different systems, and sending personalized welcome emails to new hires. ( We have integrated with Workday )


  • 0 replies
  • May 3, 2024

@rbkadiyam Do you see any opportunities to incorporate Gen AI? 

@Ganesh Bhat I would love to see this in action - could you share a quick demo? 

@ChanduMohammad I wish the stand-up concept was universal across all areas of business—it can be so effective when done right! I am curious why you went the email notes route instead of having some type of live project board that was continuously updated based on the meeting. 

@Zaid Chougle This topic is very timely, and one thing I have repeatedly heard is that the job process feels impersonal. Any thoughts on how you could infuse that human touch? 

@Tamil Arasu10 As one of our known product experts, what newly released products/features would help optimize this process? 


PS - your badges have all been awarded! Thank you so much for starting the idea train for this challenge. 🚂 

Zaid Chougle
Navigator | Tier 3
  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 217 replies
  • May 3, 2024 wrote:

@rbkadiyam Do you see any opportunities to incorporate Gen AI? 

@Ganesh Bhat I would love to see this in action - could you share a quick demo? 

@ChanduMohammad I wish the stand-up concept was universal across all areas of business—it can be so effective when done right! I am curious why you went the email notes route instead of having some type of live project board that was continuously updated based on the meeting. 

@Zaid Chougle This topic is very timely, and one thing I have repeatedly heard is that the job process feels impersonal. Any thoughts on how you could infuse that human touch? 

@Tamil Arasu10 As one of our known product experts, what newly released products/features would help optimize this process? 


PS - your badges have all been awarded! Thank you so much for starting the idea train for this challenge. 🚂 : When the data is getting extracted from portals and checked from the existing, for a confirmation we can share it with the technical guy and basis the response received we can do the further processing of sharing the appropriate response with the candidate. 


  • Most Valuable Pathfinder
  • 2693 replies
  • May 3, 2024 wrote:

@rbkadiyam Do you see any opportunities to incorporate Gen AI? 

@Ganesh Bhat I would love to see this in action - could you share a quick demo? 

@ChanduMohammad I wish the stand-up concept was universal across all areas of business—it can be so effective when done right! I am curious why you went the email notes route instead of having some type of live project board that was continuously updated based on the meeting. 

@Zaid Chougle This topic is very timely, and one thing I have repeatedly heard is that the job process feels impersonal. Any thoughts on how you could infuse that human touch? 

@Tamil Arasu10 As one of our known product experts, what newly released products/features would help optimize this process? 


PS - your badges have all been awarded! Thank you so much for starting the idea train for this challenge. 🚂 


It depends on Org, have mentioned continuously adding issues in SDLC tools like Jira

Additionally, bot can create issues in Jira or preferred SDLC tools


Polyana 8891
  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 18 replies
  • May 7, 2024

Declaração de desafio: Cadastrar notas fiscais recebidas no sistema, além de classificar por fornecedor, tipo de compra e período de compra

Solução para o desafio: Criar um bot que coleta faturas recebidas por e-mail, baixa arquivos PDF e XML, reconhecendo o tipo de dados e categorizando as informações. Após a coleta dos dados, alimente o sistema com dados da nota fiscal de compra, além dos dados de pagamento do fornecedor.

Na etapa de classificação de arquivos e coleta de dados, é interessante usar ferramentas de IA e automação de documentos para garantir a precisão dos dados.

  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 22 replies
  • May 7, 2024

Problem Statement: 

We had to automate the initiation of a process whenever an end-user wanted to test a file, especially when they lacked access to the AA control room to manually start the process each time.

Proposed Solution:
To address this, we have implemented triggers that are capable of handling such scenarios. We have designated a specific folder location for end-users to place their files. Whenever a file is deposited into this folder, the automation process is automatically deployed.

Additional Request:
We aim to refine our solution by incorporating user authorization and privilege checks. Ideally, we want the automation process to only be triggered when the user possesses the necessary privileges to test the file. If a user attempts to test a file for which they lack privileges, the automation process should not be triggered. However, we are facing challenges in achieving this goal.

We cannot rely on multiple folder locations to segregate users with different privileges, as managing numerous folders would be impractical. Although extracting the username attempting to test the file from its properties would be beneficial, it appears that Automation Anywhere lacks a command to facilitate this functionality.

Automation Anywhere Team
  • Automation Anywhere Team
  • 85 replies
  • May 8, 2024

Hello @spandana 4141 -Kudos on implementing triggers to automate the initiation process! Excited to know if you’ve explored any alternative methods for extracting user info?

Hello @Polyana 8891 -Great Job on tackling the challenge ! Are there plans to expand the functionality or integrate it with other systems in the future?


PS - your badges have all been awarded!Thank you so much for your ideas! 😊

  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 67 replies
  • May 8, 2024

Challenge Statement: I currently work as a Solutions Architect for a company that is in a different time zone. We also have customers in several different time zones, as well as offshore teams in IST zone. By the time I login each morning many customers are already 3 hours into their day. I have some other customers and offshore resources that are more active at night after I have logged off. The first hour of my day is spent going through email to review what may have come in before I start work, prioritizing by urgency, and then responding accordingly. Some days I start the day with several dozen emails waiting, and the fear is always present that I'll be slow in responding to a higher priority message just because it is further down the list.

Solution Statement: The Automation Success Platform’s ability to utilize Generative AI and Sentiment Analysis make this issue easy to overcome. I already have a mechanism in place to catch any critical or work-stoppage issues my customers may face so I can jump on those immediately. We can improve upon this by creating automation to read through an inbox shortly before I jump on in the morning, use sentiment analysis to help prioritize the emails based on what is being asked, and then provide me with a two or three sentence summary of each, ordered by criticality. Reviewing this list first thing each morning would allow me to respond more rapidly to any issues that need to be addressed before moving on to questions or informational emails.

  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 17 replies
  • May 8, 2024

Problem statement:

There are companies/offices which provides transportation to the employees and the process of acquiring details from the employees (like Address, Pickup /& Drop Off, Days when they require the transport) is still manual, where they get the details from a shared resource and then provide those details to the vendors manually which is a tedious task and highly prone to human error which results in employee(s) missing the cab & dissatisfaction.

Solution statement:

An automation solution which syncs the employee(s) given data to the vendor(s) system in a timely fashion & keeps the vendor system up to date with all the required employee data.


So here, Input to the employees will be a custom form, where they need to fill in the details and then submit the form.

Input to the Automation System will be the data which is settled in the backend( either in the excel/Database)

As soon as the employee submits their details for the week/day. BOT will trigger as there is new data available in the sheet/DB and sends the employee details(the day when they require the transport and other details) via REST web services in the form of JSON request to the vendor system, where they will be taking the details from there and assigning the cab driver, vehicle & sending out an automated message to the employee(s).

Sai Teja Gayala


Automation Anywhere Team
  • Automation Anywhere Team
  • 85 replies
  • May 9, 2024

Hey @J.Logan , 

This is such an impressive use of technology to tackle your daily email overload!  Have you already started testing any parts of this automation process?

Automation Anywhere Team
  • Automation Anywhere Team
  • 85 replies
  • May 9, 2024

Hello @Sai1212 , 

It's good to see technology being used to simplify tasks that are typically manual and error-prone 👍🏼

  • Cadet | Tier 2
  • 3 replies
  • May 9, 2024


Challenge Statement:

In the airline industry, a common challenge we face is with Passenger Name Records (PNRs). Discrepancies in PNRs are frequently encountered. Common discrepancies include name misspellings, duplicate bookings, incorrect itineraries, seat assignment issues, flight changes and cancellations, ticketing errors, and more.

Solution Statement:

Using Automation Anywhere, we will log into client applications to retrieve PNR details. By implementing multiple conditions, we will identify discrepancies in the PNRs and generate a report in Excel format. This report will then be sent to the client via email.



Challenge Statement:

The challenging task for the airline industry is to read feedback emails and determine the main reason behind the message. This could involve identifying whether the traveler is satisfied with the service, lodging a complaint about lost baggage, requesting special assistance, seeking a refund, or expressing other concerns. Based on the purpose of the received email, appropriate responses need to be sent.

Solution Statement:

Using an automation solution, with the integration of ChatGPT, we can provide the mail body content as input to ChatGPT and ask GPT to determine the reason behind the email. Based on the message received, we can instruct GPT to create a reply mail template, which we can extract reply message from GPT and send it back to customer.


  • Cadet | Tier 2
  • 4 replies
  • May 9, 2024

Challenge Statement:

Most of the times I forget to fill in my timesheet on Friday. I feel it a tedious work to go in my calendar and notes to check and add it in my timesheet.

Solution Statement:

Using Automation Anywhere we can create a bot which can monitor our calendar and fill in the timesheet every Friday. Also, the bot can send an email just before clicking “Submit” for me to verify and make changes if any.


  • Cadet | Tier 2
  • 8 replies
  • May 10, 2024

Challenge Statement:

Out bots use a list of email addresses to send the results of the bots to different users located in different divisions. The development team doesn’t always know when these users leave the business. Therefore, the bot's dedicated email account will continue to receive bounce back emails from those users’ accounts. The team does not monitor this account.

Solution Statement:

Using Automation Anywhere we can create a bot which can monitor the bot’s email account on a daily basis. The bot will send an email message to members of the team with a list of names, the bot that sent the email, and email addresses of people whose email address is no longer valid. Based on this list, the team members can remove old users from the different lists of emails used to send bot results.

  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 11 replies
  • May 11, 2024

Challenge Statement: It is very difficult for recruiters to review all job applications individually. Making decisions based on reviewing each application is also not ideal.

So, AI can assist the recruitment team in reviewing applications. By integrating AI features into RPA bots, we can enhance and streamline the entire recruitment process.


Solution Statement: The AA360 BOT will read the recruiters' email inbox to download all the resumes, or the BOT can download the resumes from other web/desktop apps.

From the downloaded folder, the BOT will retrieve the resumes one by one and send them to Gen-AI along with JD details and customized prompt text.

Afterwards, the BOT will generate a report with JD match percentages for all applicants. From this report, the recruiter team can filter the top applicants.

  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 31 replies
  • May 15, 2024

Sorry for my late response as I was on my annual leave:

Challenge Statement:
In our customer support department, handling inquiries and support tickets involves many repetitive tasks. Support agents spend a lot of time categorizing, routing, and responding to common inquiries, leading to delays, inconsistencies, and a backlog of unresolved tickets. The high volume of tickets also makes it challenging to maintain accuracy and ensure timely resolutions.

Solution Statement:
Automation Anywhere can enhance our customer support operations by automating the handling of support tickets and common inquiries. We can leverage Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to enable bots to complete mandated tasks fully end-to-end. Here’s how:

  • Automated Ticket Categorization: Using NLP capabilities, bots can automatically read and categorize incoming support tickets, ensuring they reach the right agent quickly.
  • Intelligent Routing: Bots can route tickets to the most suitable support agent based on expertise, workload, and priority, reducing response times.
  • Automated Responses: For common inquiries, bots can provide instant automated responses using pre-defined templates, while more complex issues receive acknowledgment and an estimated response time.
  • Status Updates and Follow-ups: Bots can send status updates to customers and trigger follow-up actions for unresolved tickets, ensuring timely attention.
  • Data Analysis and Reporting: Bots can generate reports on ticket volumes, response times, and customer satisfaction, providing insights for further improvements.
  • End-to-End Task Completion: RPA allows bots to handle the entire process from ticket receipt to resolution, including updating CRM systems, closing tickets, and notifying customers, thus ensuring a seamless workflow without human intervention.


Improved Efficiency: Freeing up agents to focus on complex issues.
Consistent Quality: Providing accurate and consistent information.
Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Faster responses and proactive updates.
Scalability: Handling higher volumes without increasing headcount.
Actionable Insights: Identifying trends and optimizing processes.
Seamless Automation: Achieving full automation of mandated tasks for end-to-end process efficiency.

  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 21 replies
  • May 20, 2024

After Hours Notification


Challenge:  After hours notification - Like many corporate operations supporting both east and west coast activities can put a strain on employee scheduling and work life balance.  In our case we were required to keep one east coast employee in the office until 9pm to handle the occasional need to provide order credit approval.  Staffing 6pm-9pm (or 15 hrs / week) for less than 2 hours of actual work.  


Solution:  Create a BOT to monitor the order queue for anything needing credit approval between 6-9 pm.   The first bot run at 6pm would inventory all open orders so that pending credit approvals where not duplicated.  Upon arrival of credit approval - determine order credit owner, lookup contact information for responsible employee and send text message alert and email.  Allow employee to login from home and handle credit situation.  TEAM loves this solution.  Business says it saves close to 300 hrs / month.  Plus we also gained savings by closing the office at 6pm instead of 9pm which reduced security costs and risks as well.  

Daiana Grimi
  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 11 replies
  • May 21, 2024

Automated Report - excel as answer to everything


Challenge statement: A few years ago I was working in a company and we started a transformation journey, that had an impact on our service (it was a nice challenge, because at that time I didn’t think on the big picture and that situation helped me to realize the importance of provide accurate information).

We were requested to provide some metrics about the bots’ execution, even thought we were collecting some numbers (# errors,# rows processed ok, etc.) taking into consideration the business requirements.

The board needed to see the impact of RPA in our company, as we just had 4 bots running in production at that time, we created an excel file and we completed manually the data, and we add some charts to communicate the numbers.

The problem was when we weren’t able to update the information and they needed to access.

So we needed an automated report

Solution statement: the solution provided was to create a bot that complete an excel file with data related to each execution. That excel file was going to be taken as input for a power bi report that the board shown every month. 

The bot was called as subtask on each bot execution(we already had the information to complete that file, so to include the subtask on each bot wasn’t to much work), and as it wasn’t more than 50 lines the development time was too small.

The impact of this small development was huge because it helped us to provide to the board the information they needed to show, and it helped us releasing our RPA team from update the information on that file.



Happy to continue improving my skills doing everyone’ jobs less complicated.

Excel as answer to everything 🤣

  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 289 replies
  • May 23, 2024

Challenge Statement:

Managing virtual machines (VMs) and servers efficiently is a significant challenge in IT operations. Identifying idle or underutilized resources manually is time-consuming and prone to errors, leading to unnecessary costs and inefficient resource utilization. This process often requires detailed analysis of usage patterns and performance metrics, which can be complex and labor-intensive.

Solution Statement:

Automation Anywhere, combined with the Gen AI, can automate the process of identifying idle VMs and servers and generating detailed reports. This solution leverages RPA capabilities to continuously monitor resource utilization and generate actionable insights, ensuring optimal use of IT infrastructure.

Idle Resource Identification Automation:

  1. Data Collection: Automation Anywhere bots can be programmed to collect performance metrics and usage data from various monitoring tools and systems, such as cloud management platforms, hypervisors, and server monitoring software.

  2. Data Analysis: Using the Gen AI, the collected data can be analyzed to identify patterns and anomalies. AI models can be trained to detect idle or underutilized resources based on predefined thresholds and usage patterns.

  3. Report Generation: Once idle resources are identified, the bots can compile the findings into comprehensive reports. These reports can include details such as resource ID, utilization metrics, duration of idleness, and recommendations for resource optimization.

  4. Notification and Action: Automation Anywhere bots can also be configured to send notifications to IT administrators or trigger automated actions, such as shutting down idle VMs or reallocating resources to optimize usage.


  1. Cost Savings: By identifying and managing idle resources, organizations can significantly reduce unnecessary costs associated with running underutilized VMs and servers.
  2. Improved Resource Utilization: Automation ensures that IT resources are used optimally, leading to better performance and efficiency.
  3. Time Savings: Automating the identification and reporting process saves valuable time for IT teams, allowing them to focus on more strategic tasks.
  4. Accurate Reporting: Automation minimizes human errors, ensuring that reports are accurate and reliable.
  5. Proactive Management: Continuous monitoring and automated actions enable proactive management of IT resources, preventing resource wastage and improving overall infrastructure efficiency.

  • Cadet | Tier 2
  • 7 replies
  • May 23, 2024

Hi All, 
Currently i was working on this where our finance department was fasing some issue
Problem statement:

In the Finance department (AP), processing invoices is a repetitive and time-consuming task that consumes a significant amount of time. The current manual process involves receiving invoices via email, extracting relevant data, entering the data into the accounting system, and verifying the information for accuracy. This manual handling leads to several challenges:

High risk of human error in data entry

Difficulty in maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements

Solution Statement:

I propose implementing using Automation Anywhere to streamline the entire invoice processing workflow. The proposed solution includes the following steps: Automated Email Handling: Use bots to monitor the Accounts Payable email inbox and automatically download incoming invoices. Data Extraction: Employ optical character recognition (OCR) technology to extract key data (such as invoice number, date, vendor details, and amounts) from the invoices. Data Validation: Create a bot to validate the extracted data against purchase orders and other relevant documents to ensure accuracy and compliance. Data Entry: Automatically input the validated data into the accounting system. Error Handling and Notifications: Develop a bot to handle errors by flagging discrepancies and notifying relevant personnel for review. Reporting and Compliance: Generate automated reports to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and provide insights into the invoice processing workflow.

  • Cadet | Tier 2
  • 3 replies
  • May 23, 2024

Challenge Statement:

While maintaining and supporting up and running bots there are chances that any enhancements came , code changes take place thus as a result each and every time respected supporting employee needs to deploy the changes into the production and its a repetitive and time consuming task.

Solution Statement:

As a solution of this challenge, with the help of automation we can create a deployment bot and with the help of this bot only by giving some details as a input data into the excel and thus by keeping that file at the particular location this deployment bot can be triggered and thus with the help of this amazing automation bot this repetitive task can be automated.


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