Welcome to the first mini-challenge in our Automate the Universe series. These challenges are designed to ignite your creativity and problem-solving skills and are suitable for all levels of expertise. In this first challenge, you’ll create a solution for your personal, everyday life.
The Challenge:
Explore your daily routine and identify an everyday challenge that automation can improve or solve. Think about the tasks you perform regularly at home or on the go. From managing emails to organizing your schedule, there are countless opportunities to streamline processes and save time with automation.
Consider the following questions as you brainstorm ideas for your challenge submission:
- What repetitive tasks do you find yourself doing every day?
- Are there any manual processes that could be automated to save time and effort?
- Are there tasks that you often forget to do or overlook?
- Is there room for improvement in how you organize or prioritize your tasks?
- Are there any tasks that require multiple steps or involve data entry?
Once you've identified a challenge, your task is to propose an automation solution to address it.
Submission Criteria:
Submit your solution as a comment on this dedicated post, either in writing or through a link to a short demo video. Please include:
- A challenge statement that describes your chosen everyday challenge
- A solution statement that explains how Automation Anywhere can help to improve or solve this challenge
All submissions will earn the Automate the Universe Challenge #1 badge and get you one step closer to the Trifecta Award:

Remember, the goal of this challenge is to find creative ways to simplify your daily routine and improve efficiency through automation. We can't wait to see the innovative solutions you come up with.
Good luck, and happy automating!