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Monthly Badge Challenge

AI & Automation - Let's Ideate!


Opinions on Machine Learning and AI Research are everywhere. One provider in particular is getting maximum airtime: OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Spoiler alert: Yes, Automation Anywhere integrates with OpenAI. Those of you with a healthy skepticism about this Large Language Model fear not. We also integrate with a wealth of other AI options.

Many of these technologies have the power to transform how we work and, by default, our workplace. But we’re not here to box you into any one solution (in terms of conversation OR integration). Instead, we want to hear YOUR ideas on the value of AI and Automation. There are already a ton of research papers from big tech companies, influencer pieces and forum conversations grabbing at your attention. While all of this has the potential to greatly benefit developers, the Pathfinder Community wants YOU to join in the conversation!

We’re in a time of pushing the frontier of what AI and Automation can do. And we know you’ll be at the forefront of that exciting growth. 

So, tell us:

What is one use case you have identified as an opportunity to integrate AI capabilities like ChatGPT into Automation Anywhere?

Claim your exclusive digital challenge badge in one easy step:

  • Share your innovative idea on LinkedIn, tag the post with @automationanywhere and use #AIPathfinder to be eligible!


Looking for inspiration?

Here are a few community-generated ideas already shared on LinkedIn to get your thinking started…


Devendra Singh Dahiya, RPA Developer, innovated with Excel front and center.

“I asked ChatGPT to write "VBS code for color cell in activated excel file using Automation 360 tool" and used the same code in A360 tool and the result is here."

Original LinkedIn Post 

VBS code for reference: 

Sub ChangeCellColor()
  Dim xlApp, xlWorkbook, xlWorksheet
  Set xlApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
  Set xlWorkbook = xlApp.ActiveWorkbook
  Set xlWorksheet = xlApp.ActiveSheet
  xlWorksheet.Range("A1").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) 'change cell color to red
End Sub


Omkar Bhatwadekar, RPA Developer, connected Open AI - Chat GPT, PixieBrix, and Automation Anywhere.


“I am thrilled to announce that I integrated OpenAI-ChatGPT, PixieBrix and Automation Anywhere A360, which allows automated leave requests and work-from-home request emails to be sent out quickly and easily. This makes mail requests easier and more efficient than ever before, so you can focus on the things that matter most.”


Original LinkedIn Post


Curious to learn more about PixieBrix - check out our recent PixieBrix Bot Games Challenge


Yusuf Burak Çakmak, RPA Developer, shared an example using ChatGPT and DALL-E using OpenAI API, RPA and Python.


“This is a method for speak with ChatGPT and DALL-E using OpenAI API, RPA and Python. Python libraries : openai, pyttsx3, speech_recognition.”


Media not available

Original LinkedIn Post


Github link of the python codes used in the video:


Aditi Indoriya, RPA Developer, explored search opportunities.


“I used ChatGPT platform for unique search Automation Anywhere Bot. I have checked 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐆𝐏𝐓 to search "VB script for two number (22,23) addition" and used the same script in A360 tool and the result is available in screenshots below."


Original LinkedIn Post


Automation Anywhere Team Member Dipendra Shekhawat, Solution Architect, not only shared an idea but also broke it down step by step - take a look!


“While everyone was trying their hands with ChatGPT,  I tried using the OpenAI's API to build a request response scenario using Automation360. In this video, I have demonstrated how you can use OpenAI APIs to connect Automation 360 with ChatGPT and get responses from it. This is just a basic request-response mechanism. However, you can use this small concept to build solid use cases utilizing other services of Open AI.”


Automation 360 and ChatGPT Integration | Interactive Forms and REST Web Service


Automation 360 and ChatGPT Integration Step-by-Step Tutorial

Original LinkedIn Post


Now it’s your turn, Pathfinder members, to share, collaborate, and earn your badge! And don’t forget to tag @automationanywhere and add #AIPathfinder to your LinkedIn posts.

Did this topic help answer your question?

11 replies

  • Cadet | Tier 2
  • 5 replies
  • February 3, 2023 Thank you for featuring my idea!

Automation Anywhere Team
  • Automation Anywhere Team
  • 428 replies
  • February 3, 2023

Lots of cool ideas here!! I need to work on my own contribution to this video set… 😁

  • Automation Anywhere Team
  • 2 replies
  • February 7, 2023

Lots of amazing ideas.

  • 0 replies
  • February 8, 2023

Here are a few more recent highlights from our challenge - be sure to add yours to the list! 


Original LinkedIn Post


Ganesh Bhat, Senior Software Engineer, shares some thoughts - 


Original LinkedIn Post



Original LinkedIn Post



Original LinkedIn Post

  • 0 replies
  • February 13, 2023

I am excited to share the release of a ChatGPT package in our Bot Store! 

To learn more, visit our recently published blog, When it Comes to AI, Platforms Matter, & don’t miss our supporting demo: 



Keep us in the loop on what you create with #AIPathfinder

Zaid Chougle
Navigator | Tier 3
  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 217 replies
  • February 21, 2023

  • 0 replies
  • February 23, 2023

🎉It has been amazing to see lots of innovative ideas come to life especially with our new Open AI Package available in the Bot Store - let’s keep the conversation going! 🎉 A few highlights to share - 


Micah Smith, Automation Anywhere Senior Director, Developer Evangelism, shared a demo leveraging AARI Extension (powered by PixieBrix) to create a custom button in the Twitter user interface for auto-replying to tweets. 



Original LinkedIn Post

OpenAI Package:
Twitter Package:


Automation Anywhere MVP Narasimhan Narayanan, Manager at Deloitte, explored the idea of an AI Assistant - 


I built a personal AI assistant using Automation Anywhere Interactive Forms, Open AI ChatGPT API (AA ChatGPT package - pretty cool & ready to use) with option to choose between two models ChatGPT text and Codex, also with a option to choose the response format - Plain Text, Audio, Video, Textfile.

To enhance the ChatGPT's responses, I utilized Python GTTS library - Text to Audio ,Mind Journey AI - Avatar, Studio ID image to animation, to convert the response into a animated lip sync video and embedded into Html page to create a more engaging experience.



Original LinkedIn Post


Sridhar Yadlapalli, Programmer Analyst at Qualesce LLC,. asked Chat GPT to suggest a name for A360 + OCR + AI - AutoIntellify


With the help of OpenAI, we can achieve an unprecedented level of accuracy and efficiency in our document processing workflows. By combining A360, OCR, and Chat GPT (AI), we can take our IDP to the next level!



Original LinkedIn Post


There is still time to submit your idea - don’t forget to tag #AIPathfinder! 

  • 1 reply
  • February 26, 2023

I'm so grateful that you chose to feature my idea . It means a lot to me that you believe in it.


Sridhar Yadlapalli.

  • Cadet | Tier 2
  • 4 replies
  • March 6, 2023  Thank you for mentioning my post 

  • Cadet | Tier 2
  • 3 replies
  • March 10, 2023 I'm glad you shared my post, thank you.

Shoeb Shk
  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 38 replies
  • March 11, 2023

#Digital #Challenge #A360 Automation Anywhere #automationanywhere #AIpathfinder
I have used ChatGPT in A360 for writing python & vb script's to handle complex/time consuming scenarios!
When AI is combined with Automation the end result is really fabulous. We can handle n - numbers of business scenarios by integrating API in AA360 tool.

AI + Automation = Intelligent Automation 😎 

Automation Anywhere #AIPathfinder. 

LinkedIn Post

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