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Bot Games: Season of Giving Edition is here, and we're super excited to partner with United Way of the Bay Area to present you with the Humanitarian Response Challenge! For the last four weeks, many of you have learned the basics of automation in Automation Foundations Bot Camp, and now it's time to put your newly acquired knowledge to work!

Ready for the challenge? Watch the intro video above (or read the rules below) and check out the challenge page to get started!

Challenge Objective

United Way Bay Area has received a list of individuals in need of clothing that need to be added to their relief distribution database. Download the spreadsheet and enter every recipient's information into the web application. Once all 10 recipients' details have been entered, click 'Submit' to see the results. The results are displayed as a measure of the time taken to complete the challenge and the accuracy of the data entered.

Note for clarity’s sake: this challenge is a simulation, not real data or systems. It's for exercise and learning purposes only.


Beyond completing the challenge with 100% accuracy (which is obviously the core objective), the only rule for this challenge is that your automation has to download the file as a part of its execution.

Sharing Your Results

Once you complete the challenge, you’ll earn a certificate you can share here in the Community or on LinkedIn using the hashtag #BotGames, and tag 3 other Automation developers who you challenge to complete this exercise! Be sure to tag Automation Anywhere so our team can give you the kudos you deserve.


Have fun solving this challenge. See how your newly learned skill can help you solve problems at scale.

For every user who successfully completes this challenge, Automation Anywhere will donate to United Way Bay Area to support its efforts in providing immediate and long-term support for employment, housing, financial stability, and basic needs. So you are just not learning how to solve a challenge, but you are also supporting a cause—time to pat yourself on the back. Way to go!

If you tried it and are getting stuck, don't worry! We'll be back on Thursday, December 14th with a tutorial session where we'll demonstrate how to solve this challenge by building a full automation live with you on LinkedIn.

Completed Humanitarian Response Challenge!


Had a challenge with dates of birth, but got there in the end!


Hi Sumit, how did you get these automation action ??

like Browser Automation..




Hi @arjun.meda ,


It is always giving me the end result as 62 correct out of 70 fields. I tried to do it manually as well where also got the same result. Any issue? I checked and verified that there is no issue with the data which I am entering.




Please check date while BOT is feeding data in the form. It should be MM/DD/YYYY

Hi @arjun.meda ,

Thanks for Sharing the challenge.Date format was initially tricky😊


*Furkan Sahin*
Thalos Software

My Certificate





Hello guys, I just did the challenge, it was very interesting.
I share my result.






Humanitarian Response Challenge - COMPLETED

For the date issue, you might want to try the approach below.

1. Use Variable Operation:
Create a variable to store the original date in dd/mm/yyyy format.
Use the Variable Operation command to assign the original date to this variable.

2. Use String Operation:
Use the String Operation command to split the original date into day, month, and year.
You can use the Split function or use the Substring function to extract day, month, and year individually.

3. Format Date:
Create another variable to store the reformatted date in mm/dd/yyyy format.
Use the Format Date command to format the date using the values obtained in the previous step.
You can use the mm/dd/yyyy format in the Format Date command.

4. Use Variable Operation:
Use the Variable Operation command to assign the reformatted date to another variable.

I Achieved, thanks GOD.


