Hi Team,
I am facing an issue with my Community edition Control Room (https://community.cloud.automationanywhere.digital). I have 2 task bots which are stuck in progress with Status Pending Execution. Now the issue is, the device in which those 2 tasks are stuck is no longer available. As I opened the control room in a new device the old device is deleted from the control room, but the tasks are still in pending execution.
I am unable to run any new tasks in the control room due to these tasks being in the queue. Is there a way to remove these tasks from the control room.

I’ve tried the API method to remove the device but since the old device is no longer connected to the control room and i do not have access to old device it does not work.
If there is any solution please let me know.
Also, there is one more issue regrading the Community Edition, I no longer have the access to the email which is assigned in my Automation anywhere account, so is there a way to update the email address and also not to lose any training progress from the AA University for my current account.
Please reply to Jayb@ontracautomation.com as I no longer have access to the assigned mail id i will not receive any notification from Automation Anywhere.