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What's new in Automation 360: v.23

  • 18 February 2022
  • 0 replies


See what's new in the latest release of the A360 Intelligent Automation Platform: the highlights for process discovery, intelligent document processing, RPA, and digital assistants.


Discovery Bot


In v.23, Discovery Bot gives both the analyst and the recorder user an enhanced user experience. The new version of the dashboard provides you with a quick overview of all the opportunities and the ability to search for a specific opportunity. In addition, the Process Design Document can now be downloaded in both Word and PDF, at both the opportunity stage and the submitted recording stage.


IQ Bot


In this new release users can now have complete control for document classification and are not dependent on the auto-classifier. If you ever had trouble parsing information from different types of tables in standard forms, you will no longer have to worry about it as IQ Bot now fully supports all distinct types of tables for standard format documents when using MS Forms Recognizer models.


RPA Workspace


In this new release there's something for everyone around the world! AISense Recorder got an enhancement that enables users to automate applications that use Brazilian Portuguese, in addition to English, Russian and Simplified Chinese. If you're dealing with many different file types, you can now add conditional logic based on file type. And if your organization uses Azure Key Vault to store credentials and other sensitive information, you can now use the same with Automation 360 and remain compliant with the set security policies




Now it's even easier to use the digital work assistant, AARI! With the updates in v.23, the Form Builder now comes with the ability to add rules to the fields. You can now set multiple conditions for the fields to control the flow of the process within the form, without using bots. You can also auto-assign AARI requests as they are added to a queue. It can be auto assigned:

  • To the person who adds the request to the queue; or
  • The first person to open the request in the queue.




Make sure to try out all these new features today! For more information on everything new with the v.23 release, dive into the release notes!

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