Automation Pathfinder Program

Lessons from the Desk of our CIO

  • 28 September 2022
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Lessons from the Desk of our CIO
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From the Desk of our CIO: An Email Template to Promote Your Automation Program


If you can craft an email, you can get started on the road to evangelizing your Automation Program. Here’s how we do it at Automation Anywhere.


<<Start with the title of your newsletter. Ours is obvious and includes a timeframe:>>

Automation @Automation Anywhere Newsletter (FY23 1st Half Update)


<<Start the newsletter out with a warm introduction that gets people excited about automation within the organization—here’s an example from our own Automation Leader:>>

From the Office of the CIO While Automation Anywhere is helping its customers build a digital workforce, our Global IT organization is doing the same for our internal operations. When I joined last year, I committed to becoming the best customer of our technology. We restructured our internal automation Center of Excellence, set up a customer zero program, and evangelized and scaled our program. These efforts produced significant savings, creating differentiated use cases and learnings that can directly help our customers.


<<Share any success metrics and KPI wins:>>

The Automation Center of Excellence program results include delivery of more than 50,000 hours of annualized savings, including 25 Automation Assistants helping our workforce daily.



In the first half of FY23, we set a goal to deliver 12,000 additional hours of annual savings via automation. We collaborated with Program Leads from each business function to break down that target and work the pipeline. It was a challenge, but the effort was more than worth it! Here are the results:

2k Annual Hours of Savings Delivered!

We set an ambitious 1H goal to add 12,000 hours of annual savings at the start of FY23. The Center of Excellence team worked with RPA Program Leads and Process Champions to identify Use Cases to fill our pipeline!



  • The first automations were delivered to the CRO organization providing the Sales team with time-saving tools allowing them to spend more time with our customers. Several automations with large-scale potential include Use Case Search and Opportunity Updater.
  • New Citizen Developers from Facilities, Sales Engineering, and Sales Operations volunteered and began the certification process.
  • Our internal Fortress IQ pilot with Sales Development Reps is now on track to translate into a high-value Digital Assistant i in Q3.
  • Delivered first Proof-of-Concepts for some of our most exciting customer solutions, including Embedded Automation (automations executed directly from within applications like Salesforce).


Results "By the Numbers"

  • Ideas Received: 99
  • Ideas Assessed: 27
  • Automated Processes/Digital Assistants Delivered: 25
  • Additional Value Delivered in annual hours saved: 12,363
  • Additional Value Delivered in Automated FTEs: 8.5


2H Results

Coming Soon!


<<Put “names and faces to your email AND your Automation Program>>

You may not know who we are but know we’re here to help you be your best! The Automation Center of Excellence provides structure to delivering internal automation using our technology to improve our processes. Your CoE and functional contacts are:

<<Insert a contact or contacts from your team»

<<Get people excited about the future—share your vision and goals for the future:>>

We have no plans to slow down! We’ll be focused through the rest of FY23 on objectives like these:

  • Delivering additional pilots to discover automation opportunities
  • 15,000 additional hours of savings in 2H FY23
  • Delivering embedded automation for an even better experience interacting with automation
  • Expanding Customer Zero to cover more of our product capability

<<Put out the call for participation—link out to email lists, existing automations that people can put to use and include ways that people can get involved in creating automations:»



Here are three ways you can get involved:

  • CONTRIBUTE your automation ideas <<This can be an email link to someone who’s collecting ideas for the pipeline or can be something more extensive such as the following:>>

Achieving scale in our Automation Program is only possible when we all get involved. We love it when other employees create Bots to help themselves and others!

  • I would like to submit an automation idea to the CoE. <<This can be a form, email link or directions to an established process.>>
  • I have a built/tested automation and would like CoE to host and/or support. <<This can be a form, email link or directions to an established process. You may want to include direction like the below on what make a good automation use case:>>


Key points to make while submitting Ideas <<asking stakeholders to address the below steps will help you progress the process for next steps:>>

  • Potential savings that can be achieved by automation.
  • High-level process steps/process documentation/process video demo link/as-is document/SOP if available. It would help COE team to analyze the process for future discussions.
  • Identify a Process Champion (person who performs process currently) and Process Owner (person who will need to be involved in future discussions).

Next Steps: A COE representative will send a meeting invite to kick-off Bot Idea Assessment (BIA) within 5 Business working days.

  • CONSUME automation to improve your work

We consume automation when we personally use automation using our technology. How can we help?

  • Request CoE to Host Your Existing Automation: Do you have an existing automation that you would like the CoE to host, or scale to additional employees? Send an email to <<Insert Email Address»
  • Request Access to an Existing Automation: Want access to an existing internal automation? <<Include an email address or instructions for requesting access here»
  • Submit an Automation Idea <<Include an email address or instructions for requesting access here>>
  • CREATE automation to help yourselves and others


Interested in becoming a Citizen Developer? Email <<insert email address>> to get started.

<<Close out the email with specific contact information:>>

Still have questions? Please reach out directly to <<insert name and email>> or <<insert name and email>>.


Go for it: Hit the Road with Your Own Evangelism Newsletter


This is an easy way to inform people of your progress, make them aware of how they can get involved and spread the love for the impact automation is making on your organization. This is ALL about making your automation program a collective experience that will ultimately drive ROI so consider sending an email newsletter today!

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