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Badge Challenge

January Monthly Badge Challenge - Galaxy Series

  • 9 January 2023
  • 1 reply

Each month we’ll post a new set of actions you need to take here in the Pathfinder Community in order to earn an exclusive, limited-run badge. You have only that month to complete the challenge before the badge is decommissioned. 



Your badge should now be displayed on your profile. If you do not see it, please reach out to the Pathfinder Community Team at


📣 New Year, New Badge - January Galaxy Series Badge Challenge is LIVE!


January Galaxy Series Badge

As your partner in all things automation, we are ready to be your biggest supporter in achieving your 2023 goals!

Looking to:

💡 Upskill?
💡 Find your first use case?
💡 Learn something brand new?
💡 Expand and scale your automation program?
💡 Add to your professional network?
💡 Learn more about the Automation Success Platform? Maybe COE Manger? Process Discovery?


Get a running start at success and unlock this exclusive challenge badge - plus a bonus perk - in one easy step!

Share one of your 2023 automation related goals in either of our forums dedicated threads:


🎁 As a bonus, the Community Team will share a recommendation you can leverage and add to your goal success toolkit.

1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

Waiting for Feb Challenge :)
