Welcome to the latest edition of Bot Games — are you ready to push your automation skills to the next level? To beat this challenge, you will need to combine everything you’ve learned about Document Automation with new technologies like generative AI and API Tasks. If you can complete this challenge successfully, you can be confident you’re at the forefront of the latest and greatest in automation technology.
Watch the video HERE, by me, and get a complete run down of the challenge.
Challenge Objective
Housing Hope is a fictitious non-profit organization dedicated to providing rent relief and support for families displaced due to various circumstances. To streamline their processes and better serve their clients, Housing Hope is looking to leverage the power of automation and generative AI to optimize their lease agreement onboarding process.
The problem: Housing Hope’s lease agreement onboarding process involves manual document processing and data entry. Each existing lease agreement must be entered into their system of record so they can onboard and manage that lease accordingly.
Your challenge: Help Housing Hope with their efforts of automating lease onboarding by downloading the zip file of lease agreements and extracting key lease details to enter into the system of record on their site. Use an automation to enter the details for the uploaded lease document into the correct fields in the system of record and press the 'Submit' button. Once the lease details have been submitted, a scoring modal will appear, displaying your submission results for accuracy and speed.
For this challenge, we’ve decided to add two difficulty modes—Easy and Hard—depending on your appetite for a challenge. Easy mode is for people who want to focus on completing a Document Automation challenge and skip the routine automation development. The outcome and results remain the same, no matter what mode you select, but the help you have available to you changes.
Before we begin, and assuming you’ve never used the system of record that Housing Hope employ, you’ll need to be aware of some quirks. The system of record demands that the property address from the lease is formatted correctly and has the zip code in the ZIP+4 format alongside the country. Finally, the system of record demands that the monthly rent is a number.
Hard Mode
In Hard Mode, your only friend is the Automation Anywhere platform. Download the leases and get processing! As a singular tip, consider leveraging an address validation API tool to conform to the format required by the system of record.
Easy Mode
Warning! The following contains some spoilers that may reduce the difficulty of Hard Mode.
In Easy Mode, we’ve pre-built some assets you can leverage to complete the challenge: two task bots and an API task. Depending on how you build your solution you may or may not need to use all of them, and not all of them will require modification.
Be advised to check the leases for the fields you’ll be extracting. One field in one lease may be particularly troublesome (😉) and it will be down to you to determine how to handle it. As a final tip, remember that when you create a Learning Instance, Document Automation does a lot of the hard work for you in terms of creating a process.
Sharing Your Results
Once you’ve successfully completed the challenge, share a screenshot of your results on any social media platform using the hashtag #BotGames. We want to celebrate your accomplishment as well, so our team will be looking for individuals who share their results on social media for a chance of winning limited edition Bot Games swag. See official rules here.
Please share your feedback as well. We want to hear what you enjoyed and what frustrated you about this challenge. Share some tips with your fellow developers and help us build a stronger community!
By completing this challenge you’ll gain first hand experience at solving a complex solution that many organisations could benefit from. You’ll be using the latest in automation technology and as a result, improve your skills as an automation developer.
Be sure to join us for a solution tutorial on LinkedIn Live on Wednesday, November 20 at 10:00 a.m. EST.