Community Vote

[Poll Closed] Vote for Your Favorite Community T-Shirt!

[Poll Closed] Vote for Your Favorite Community T-Shirt!
Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Welcome to a new year of innovation and community!

To kick off an exciting 2024, we have a fun opportunity to make your voice heard. It’s time for our community t-shirt voting contest! With three unique designs on the table, your vote is your chance to shape our community’s look and feel for the year to come.

You can check out the designs below and vote at the bottom.


Meet the Contenders


Flow View vs List View


Inspired by a lively debate from a recent livestream, this design playfully pits the structured clarity of list view against the dynamic energy of flow view. Perfect for those who love a bit of friendly competition!


Defying Gravity


With wavy lines evoking the majestic rings of Saturn, this bold yet simple design symbolizes our collective journey toward growth and innovation. It’s for the dreamers and the doers, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.


The Pathfinder


Celebrating the spirit of exploration and pioneering, this design pays homage to those who chart new territories and lead the way. Ideal for the innovators among us, always on a quest for the next big discovery.



Where Can I Snag a T-Shirt?


Throughout the year, we’ll give away swag packs featuring the winning design at User Groups, Product Clubs, and Dev Meetups. There will also be some available for grabs at Imagine for community members who attend events in the community lounge.


-- Poll is CLOSED --

What is your favorite community t-shirt design?

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32 replies


thank you


Thank you !!!😀

Userlevel 1
Badge +2

defying gravity will be great as that will signify central force guiding data and tasks towards core point in the automation workflows,


Flow View vs List View

Userlevel 1

Flow View vs List View


Thanks you

Userlevel 1

Humans are constantly evolving and pushing the boundaries. 

Defying Gravity resonates that intrinsic nature.

Userlevel 1


Defying Gravity - Design commendable look and explains that Automation Anywhere has vision to reach universal height.


Humans are constantly evolving and pushing the boundaries. 

Badge +1

Flow View vs. List View IMO.


It means how quickly we are conquering technology in the world. In summary, "Defying Gravity" in the context of technology and design could comment that it is a fast and bold advance towards the future, surpassing expectations and creating solutions that seemed impossible previously in other times.


And where can I buy these shirts?

Userlevel 3
Badge +4

@debianvonkarayan These shirts won’t be for sale, but we will be giving them away the winning design at events (virtual and in-person) throughout the year! 

Userlevel 2
Badge +8

The Pathfinder

Userlevel 1
Badge +6

Defying Gravity is awezome

Userlevel 2
Badge +5

The Pathfinder for sure! 💪


The Pathfinder



Badge +1

Flow View vs List View - Automation Anywhere for everyone. Lets shape the world of automation together with Automation Anywhere.( Flow View - Citizen Developers , List View - Core Developers ) 👌 


Flow View vs List View

Badge +3

Flow View Vs List View as it defines multiple ways of finding a solution. 🙂


The Pathfinder,  I found this very motivational.


Defying Gravity - Good

Userlevel 1

Flow View vs List View


Defying Gravity is Good

Userlevel 1
Badge +4

Defy Gravity is good.