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Getting below error while selecting packages as an export with bot



Hi @Chaitanya Deshmukh​ ,


I've ran into this issue when I tried to export a Bot along with its Packages, could you try exporting it without the Packages?


Kind Regards,

Ashwin A.K

Yes it works without the packages. but wondering if excluding package will create any issue when there is any updated package in control room at the time of importing the same.

Hi @Chaitanya Deshmukh​ ,


If the bot is really old, and you exclude the Bot Packages then when you import it, the RPA Workspace will consist of a collection of uneditable Errors in the Lines.


I think that can be resolved by changing the package versions, but ideally you should export it with the bot packages.


Kind Regards,

Ashwin A.K

Thanks for the insights

Hi @Chaitanya Deshmukh​ ,

It is not mandatory to select the packages always if the target environment contains the same version of packages as that of source.

@Jayasheela C​  Thanks

Guys, I'm facing the same problem now.

Unable to download when exported with Packages: 

When tried to download the exported package

While imported without Packages:

I was getting an error message "We found an issue that prevents the bot from running. We could not fetch the details for package 'Datetime', version '2.2.0-20210722-143808'. Make sure that the package exists and is enabled. Then try again”

Note: There is an option to update bot package, but it will update only to default version, not the version my Task wants.

Any suggestions !!!

Hi @ambarish.rao 

While exporting the bot can you select the packages as well so in the new env you will have the old package versions that need to  run your bots.


@ambarish.rao ,

Is it possible change the Datatime package version  of your bot?  throws it any error?





Try to change to another package version to Datatime and verify if you can export it.


@Raul Jaimes - Hi Raul, The issue is not only with the Datetime package, I have tried to upgrade all the Packages to default & tried exporting. But still I'm getting the same error.

@ambarish.rao ,

  1. Please follow the recommendations from KB:


1. Export without packages.
2. Clear the browser cache and cookies.
3. Restart the browser
4. Now you should be able to download the export package.


  1. Verify if your user has all the permissions:

  1. If you  are in  On-Premise CR, perform the following query to verify the package in Control-Room database

select * from package where name like 'Date%'

You will see the package name and versions.


  1. Verify the health of  A360 services from Control-Room (mainly Elasticsearch service) and identify if you have enough disk space. (used <75%) All the CR services should be running. 

Let us know you Control-Room version.


