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Is anyone using the Clear Browser Cache Bot from the Bot Store?

  • 7 July 2023
  • 1 reply


We downloaded the Clear Browser Cache Bot from the Bot Store and tested in our non-production environment.  We expected the bot to clear the cache and browsing history as noted in the read_me.  But it appears to be doing much more.  Our AA 360 extension is disabled, bookmarks are deleted and it appears the entire user profile is “reset”.  The next time Chrome is launched, it displays a “Welcome to Chrome...” message as if the application has never been used.

This behavior makes the Clear Browser Cache Bot potentially unusable.  Anyone else having the same experience?  We’d like to use it but need to throttle back some of the behavior.

Appreciate any feedback the Community can send our way!


This is the bot store location:*h04yku*_ga*NzI0NzM1NDM0LjE2ODQ3Njk4MjY.*_ga_DG1BTLENXK*MTY4NjIyODY1MS40LjEuMTY4NjIyODg5Mi42MC4wLjA.&_fsi=vnL8Vf3Q


@Sean 5616  this is the easiest way to clear browser cache.

  1. Open a command prompt in administrator mode (Start button > type cmd > right click "Command Prompt" and select Run As Administrator)
  2. Type in "ipconfig /flushdns" (without quotes) and press <Enter>

