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Can we use A360 IQ BOT licenses for IQ Bots in AA v11

  • 3 April 2023
  • 1 reply

Can we use A360 IQ BOT licenses for IQ Bots in AA v11


For example: In our environment, portal showing that 10,000 ‘pages uploaded’ for IQ Bot. We have 5,000 licenses for A360 IQ Bot and 7,000 licenses for v11 IQ Bot. 
Can we use licenses from both sources?


Also, the number of 'Documents processed' is approx 4500. Please confirm we would require license for "Documents processed" or "Pages Uploaded".

1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +14


each version is separate entity so, you can not use A360IQ bot licenses to AAV11 IQ bots… but where as the other option.

if you have 10,000 pages in A360.. you can split these 10000 into A360 different environments like dev, at, prod etc… and allocate these document numbers over there… 
