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I have Automation Anywhere 360 with these version :

  • Bot agent version 21.80
  • Web Automation package vesion 4.0.10-20220518-124540
  • Chrome version 102.0.5005.63 (Official Build) (64-bit).
  • Chromedriver version 102


Why the browser can't be opened ?


I checked C:\ProgramData\AutomationAnywhere\BotRunner\Logs\Node_manager.log I got this error

- com.automationanywhere.nodemanager.service.impl.NodeMessagingServiceImpl 

- {} 

- writeSuccess( 

- Message eventData { id: "be598a84-aef1-4e81-8be6-6e730f39030b_76c3269e89ba7a53" bot_execution {  start_date_time {   seconds: 1653963158   nanos: 154166500  }  end_date_time {   seconds: 1653963179   nanos: 10606400  }  progress {   current: 1   total: 3   percentage: 100  }  message: "{\"message\":\"There was a problem at line 1\\n\",\"details\":\"This may be due to the following reason:\\n\\n  An unexpected error occurred. \\nCould not start a new session. Possible causes are invalid address of the remote server or browser start-up failure. \\nPlease contact system administrator. \\n\\n\",\"correctiveAction\":\"To continue, edit the bot and fix the error. Then, try again.\\n\\n\\nIf you continue to see this message, please contact your system administrator.\",\"code\":\"bot.execution.error\"}"  status_type: FAILED  bot_uri: "repository:///Automation%20Anywhere/Bots/Check%20Internet%20and%20browser?fileId=1967&workspace=PUBLIC" }} sent to CR successfully.



Any solution for this case?



Thank you

Hi @Anindya Kurniawan​ ,


Good Day!


Please find the below KB article for the reported issue and follow the steps. login required).


Thank you.

Unable to create session ''Arrears'' as it already exists.
