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Hi All,  

I’m attempting to start playing with automation anywhere, so I’m using the community edition.  I imported a couple of the free bots so I can run/evaluate them (shopping assistant, car search), however I’m having trouble running them.  The shopping assistant doesn’t create a log file as far as I can tell, but displays message boxes saying how each of the website (CVS, Walmart) searches encountered a problem.  The car search runs, but gives me the following in the log file :

Plug-in action failed. Make sure that your browser plug-in is properly installed and enabled. For more help with this issue go to A-People, the Automation Anywhere community forum. Error code:TYPE_014

I do have the plugin installed/enabled.  There is a post on this community (‘Facing TYPE_014 ERROR CODE’) that includes a link to a resolution, but I can’t access it because I’m not yet a customer :(

If anyone could offer some guidance on the above I’d really appreciate it as I’m trying to demo Automation Anywhere to the powers that be in hopes that they will OK a purchase of it.  Thanks in advance for any assistance provided.

14 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

@JustinK  you have to install automation anywhere browser plugin... if u r using chrome browser, go to tools -> extensions -> plugins -> search for automation anyehere plugin and enable it

Badge +3

Hi Ramesh,

Thanks for the reply.  I believe I do have the chrome ‘Automation 360’ extension installed enabled:



Userlevel 5
Badge +14

@JustinK ok, in that case please check this link

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

@JustinK i suspect the objects are unable to find due to the screen resolution of your system.. please check that one as well.

Badge +3

OK thank you because unfortunately after following the link you sent, the bot still fails at the first ‘Capture’ step (which isn’t using the ‘GetProperty’ method referenced with the error 14) - below.   Will try changing screen resolution



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Hi Ramesh,

Thanks for your suggestions, but unfortunately I’m still having the same problem :(.  I guess I might ask - are you able to import this bot into community edition and run without issue? If there is anything else you can think of, please let me know as I would have really liked to demo this to some folks.  Thanks again.

Badge +3

Will just throw this out there as well - when attempting to ‘record’ manually, I received the below, so I guess something isn’t right with my plug in:


Userlevel 5
Badge +14

@JustinK uninstall and install AA chrome plugin again 

Badge +3

Hi Ramesh,

I’ve tried the reinstall quite a few times (and have tried again), but unfortunately still having the same issue.  When attempting to run the ‘carbuyerbotdemo’ bot that I downloaded from the AA site, the process hangs at 37% (after it launches the car guru site in chrome):

Line 51 of 139

When the bot finishes, end up with the below log file:


Userlevel 5
Badge +9

@JustinK ,

Kindly verify if you dont have another Chrome installation.If so, try uninstall both and install  it under Program files. 


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Hi Raul,

Thank you for the reply.  I currently only have one installation of Google Chrome, and the install is located in the Program files folder:





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Would you be able to advise on which extension should be used?  (Also just wanted to mention that I’ve attempted running the bot on multiple computers)


Userlevel 5
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Install the extension with the MV3 specification.



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Still having the problem.  That’s ok though.  I’m going to move on with an excel example.  Thanks anyways.
