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Problem: Database Insert command not working in Community Edition.

  • 17 September 2023
  • 3 replies

Problem: Database Insert command not working in Community Edition.

Error: There is a syntactical error in the SQL statement. - SQL statement got timed out.


I am using the AA Community edition. I am trying to Insert data into MS Access db. from excel.xlsx but getting an error.

My MS  access db. is connecting. I tested my DSN connection. Only the INSERT query not working. Value are populating in all variables and SQL query.

INSERT INTO Test Values(‘$Report_Name$’,‘$RPA_Operator$’,‘$RPA_Operator_Email$’)


-MS Access data types are correct . MS Access data types are

Report_Name = Short Text

RPA_Operator= Short Text

RPA_Operator_Email= Long Text 

  • copy above query in the Query design in MS Access which ran successfully and inserting data into db. table field but via running A360.  
  • Using MS Office 2016 professional edition, 32-bit.

  • ODBC driver successfully installed and connected 32-bit.

  • Emailed "" to get solution/ access, still waiting for a reply. Please help. Thank you.
  • Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.

Hi @vick 1699 ,


Please find the below example query,


INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerName, ContactName, Address)
VALUES ('variable1', 'variable2', 'variable3');


Hi @vick 1699,

Please refer this article to find a way to fix or work around the problem.

Hi @vick 1699 ,


Kindly share below details for a better understanding of the issue.


  1. Connection String
  2. Please use a message box just above the Insert query and capture the actual query going to the SQL.
