Problem: Database Insert command not working in Community Edition.
Error: There is a syntactical error in the SQL statement. - SQL statement got timed out.
I am using the AA Community edition. I am trying to Insert data into MS Access db. from excel.xlsx but getting an error.
My MS access db. is connecting. I tested my DSN connection. Only the INSERT query not working. Value are populating in all variables and SQL query.
INSERT INTO Test Values(‘$Report_Name$’,‘$RPA_Operator$’,‘$RPA_Operator_Email$’)
-MS Access data types are correct . MS Access data types are
Report_Name = Short Text
RPA_Operator= Short Text
RPA_Operator_Email= Long Text
- copy above query in the Query design in MS Access which ran successfully and inserting data into db. table field but via running A360.
Using MS Office 2016 professional edition, 32-bit.
ODBC driver successfully installed and connected 32-bit.
- Emailed "" to get solution/ access, still waiting for a reply. Please help. Thank you.
- Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.