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Hi all,

I am not able to connect to local device facing difficulty. 


Tried to delete but not able to delete. Please help me with this.


Thanks & Regards,

Lakshmi MP

Hi, check if there is any active deployment going on in “InProgress” activity.

Hi @rohit.k2 , One task is there in “Inprogress” but in automation i have deleted that bot but still showing in progress. What to do.



Consider restarting the bot agent service and try again.


Hi @rohit.k2 ,

I tried by restarting the bot agent but still same issue not able connect to local device. Please suggest me.



You can have a look into this video. 


Hope it helps!! 

@lakshmi_mp Remove automation anywhere folder under 

C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local , restart your machine and connect to control room.

Hi @rbkadiyam , even after following above steps, I am facing same issue. Not able to connect to local device, not able to delete the existing device. What changes I need to make. Please let me know.

Hi @lakshmi_mp ,


Have you tried with resetting the Device through CR API call? If not, please try.

Hi all,

I deleted the existing device and connected to local machine, its working fine now. I referred to this link.

Thank you all for your support and guidance.

