I have a table with one input column and one output column. I would like to loop through each row in the table, feed the input column value (pre-populated) into an external bot (Task Bot: Run), and map the output into the output column for the row associated with the input. I’d like to loop through until completed.
I’ve tried using ‘Loop - Data Table - For each row in table’. This works fine and the loop runs through each row. However, I need to keep track of which row to write into. I’ve assigned the current row a Record variable (‘CurrentRow’), however I can’t later refer to this as a number. Is there a ‘key’ I can use for ‘Multiple variables’ mapping? How else can I keep track of the row the loop is on? Is there a more elegant way than creating a variable that is increased by one every time the loop runs?
I then use the ‘Data Table: Set value of a single cell’ action to write the Task Bot output into the table output column. Column by Name/Index works fine. I can also set the value of table cell as the Task Bot output fine. What I’m struggling with is what do I input as Row by index? It suggests ‘$CurrentRow[0]$’ (the Record variable I created), but how can I keep track of the row number using this? Surely this will just keep recording into row 0?