Good morning
I have a question and just wanted to get your point of view, or any othe idea I may apply in my task.
I have a bot which have 231 lines
With the Try, Catch and Finally actions
At the very beginning (line 11) I have a database connection, and the next line in a query

The bot runs perfectly and I control another errors depending on the error description DO this or DO this other thing.
But once in a while I have a problem of connection to the database, then all the process fail.
My idea is transfer all the data from the database to an excel file, then when the error description is like “The provided connection details are invalid” or the adequate error message the task should get the info (fields) from the excel file and continue working as expected.
I fail with my idea.
If errordescription like “bla bla bla” then
Get the data from excel
Should I copy here from the line 22 until the end to get the full task executed??? Or how I could continue ?
Also have the idea of:
Error description is “xxxxx” Run tis other task, wich would be a copy from the original but getting the data from excel… and then closse both tasks
I do not know which could be the best option.
Thks for your thoughts and ideas.
Jose Marin