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Auth Config Token claim is required in OAuth2 access token


As has happened to many, I am receiving the famous error "Cannot delete device, as it is part of an active bot deployment", which is why I have followed a series of steps from several posts published here to try to solve it.

But first, a little context:

When running my first bot, it took too long to run, so I decided to stop it.

The problem arose when I tried to run it again, which is why I got this error: “User is already running a bot on device”


So after reading several posts, I followed these steps:

  • Restart the Bot Agent service. (The error persists)


  • Uninstall the bot agent
  • Delete the file "C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\AutomationAnywhere\"
  • Restart the machine.
  • Reinstall the latest version of Bot Agent as Administrator. (The error persistsRestart the machine. (The error persists)
  • Uninstall the bot agent
  • Delete residual files and folders
  • "C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\AutomationAnywhere"
  • C:\ProgramData\AutomationAnywhere
  • C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere
  • %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp
  • Restart the machine.
  • Reinstall the latest version of Bot Agent as Administrator. (The error persists)


So I decided to try to use the reset option through the API


The API authentication works fine for me and I can get the token in the first step

In the second step, the token obtained in X-Authorization is added


And in the body I add the id of the device that I want to reset


In this last step, it works for most and they manage to reset their devices, but in my case I get this error:


"message": "Auth Config Token claim is required in OAuth2 access token"


So I have no idea how to proceed to solve it since I can't find documentation or material to help me.

I ask for your support and collaboration to be able to solve this problem and to be able to use the tool and to keep a record for the next people who may have the same problem as me.

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