I have this pdf that I have used pdf:extract field action to select the data below to store to the variable called descriptionvar. So what I want my final output of each loop is to show:
Message box 1(loop 1)
Premium apples
Bought from Walmart
Message box 2(loop 2)
Premium Orange

This is how it would appear if I just display the descriptionvar in a messagebox. I deliberately highlighted the text so you can tell there is a 1 spacing at the empty third line. Don’t know why after using pdf:extract field, it will have one spacing at that empty line.

I have split the string using delimiter newline and stored into the Descriptionarray. and display out each index of Descriptionarray in a message box after that. Is my steps correct so far? video is here: https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/video/17683279?key=2ad1ce65b51e96687c8c5befb23c1ccc
what do i need to do next to achieve my results?