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When i run my IQ bot, some of the documents are going to validation. Is there any way that i can take the details of documents which are going validation to excel file during run time. kindly suggest any work around.

  • March 4, 2022
  • 1 reply

  • Ground Control | Tier 1
When i run my IQ bot, some of the documents are going to validation. Is there any way that i can take the details of documents which are going validation to excel file during run time. kindly suggest any work around.

1 reply

Tamil Arasu10
Most Valuable Pathfinder
  • Most Valuable Pathfinder
  • 3274 replies
  • March 4, 2022

Hi @Pavan Kumar​ ,


When you're uploading the documents some of them go to validation because those documents are not/missed capturing the details from the Document.


If IQ BOT is captured the required details from the documents, you can download the outputs file which is in. CSV format.


To know the validation document details, Please navigate to validate screen, there you can see the group number and document names and what are the fields missed to capture, based on these details, you can find the related group and retrained fields again


Using IQ Bot - Automation Anywhere Documentation

Automation 360 IQ Bot


Please let me know if you have any questions.





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