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Authentication API v2 issues


We have used the new V2 version of the authentication API post request however we are getting an error with the code UM1117. We then added X-Authorization to the headers and it complained it can't be empty but how can it have a value if we are doing the post request to get the token?

Could you please assist?

We have tried it with the username/password and username/apikey. We have also checked for special characters and we are using the once that are allowed. Not sure what the payload and the headers should be as the API document does not indicate it as with V1

We have used the below link as guidance, but have been unable to connect successfully.*17ppmdr*_gcl_au*MTcwNzQ1Nzg5LjE3MTgwMDY4NDA.*_ga*MTI0MDYyMjUyMy4xNzAxNzczNDAw*_ga_DG1BTLENXK*MTcyMTExNzUyMS44My4xLjE3MjExMjM2MzMuNDkuMC4w&_fsi=enqavaPd

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