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check if application is running

  • May 26, 2023
  • 1 reply


We would like to check if SAP GUI is running on the remote machine before we try any automation actions on it. We initially thought the IF application is running method might work but SAP has two instances running when we checked task manager the SAP logon 760 and SAP Easy Access. 

Has anyone been able to check if SAP Easy Access is running without doing a window exist test? Would like to stay away from window names in the initial test to see if the application itself is running or not.

Assistance will be greatly appreciated.

The application used A360 cloud 

1 reply

  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 63 replies
  • June 1, 2023

Don’t know if this helps, but we always ensure that SAP is shut down before we begin using taskkill either at the end of a BOT run or at the beginning of a BOT run. If that’s where you’re heading with trying to detect if it’s open or not before you attempt a login, this seems work for us pretty well.

I guess you could place a SAP Connect action inside an error trap and see if you can detect it that way. If it errors out you know it’s not open. If no error then it is. 

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