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Micah's Top 5 Picks from the .31 Release

Related products: Document Automation Automation Co-Pilot
Micah's Top 5 Picks from the .31 Release


I've been diving into the new features from the .31 release and, honestly, I'm really excited. I always geek out digging into the newest and best capabilities of the Automation Success Platform — and the .31 is bringing the heat 🔥 Below are my top 5 developer features from this release that I believe are game-changers. A more in-depth explanation on these features, check out my video.... and if you want to go EVEN deeper — check out our new .31 release training available on Automation Anywhere University that show you how to use some of this new stuff. Check them out!

Without further ado, let’s get to it.

#5 - Device Data on Automation Command Center: Know Your Bots Inside Out

Starting with number 5, we've got something many of you have been asking for: detailed metrics and reporting data on device utilization. It's a cool addition to the Automation Command Center, giving us the nitty-gritty on device performance. Whether it's online status, bot agent updates, or utilization metrics, this feature is a goldmine for spotting issues or planning your automation schedules more effectively. Make sure your account's permissions are set up right to dive into this data feast!

Documentation link with more details on Automation Command Center


#4 - Gen AI Package Updates: Unleash Creativity

At number 4, the generative AI package has been souped-up big time. Now supporting a broader range of models from top AI providers, it's like having a Swiss Army knife for Intelligent Automation. Whether you're keeping it cost-effective with simpler tasks or going all out with custom models, the flexibility here is just fantastic. It's a must-check-out for anyone looking to spice up their automation game with some AI flair.

Documentation link with more details on the Gen AI Package Updates


#3 - Document Automation with Gen AI: Tame the Unstructured

Coming in at number 3 are the updates to document automation using Gen AI. This feature basically enables you to have a conversation with your documents, asking for exactly what you need, regardless of the format chaos. With new tricks like RegexExtract, admin controls over service connectors, and advanced training settings, handling unstructured documents like emails, legal filings, and contracts has never been easier. If you haven't dabbled in document automation yet, now's the time!

Documentation link with more details on Document Automation


#2 - API Tasks: Cloud-Powered Automation Freedom

Number 2 is a personal favorite of mine: API Tasks. This is a game-changer. Imagine executing automations in the cloud, free from the shackles of on-premise infrastructure. Whether you're integrating in real-time through a user interface or processing tasks in the background, the possibilities are endless. Built with a familiar low-code approach, these tasks are perfect for database lookups, CRUD operations via API in an application of choice... you name it. If it's API-driven, API Tasks have you covered. As organizations transition from a task-first architecture for automations to a process-first architecture for automations, these API tasks will become immensely valuable.

Documentation link with more details on API Tasks


#1 - Co-Pilot for Automators: AI-Driven Development

And now, drumroll, please... my top pick from the .31 release is the Co-Pilot for Automators. Yes, it’s here! Think of it as your AI sidekick, ready to transform your process descriptions into ready-to-run automations. Whether you're in the Process Composer or the bot development Workbench, Co-Pilot is there to speed things up, even suggesting the next best action to take. It's built on a proprietary AI model, fueled by decades of automation experience and a treasure trove of anonymous metadata from millions of automation runs. And the best part? It gets smarter with every use, continually refining its capabilities based on your feedback.

Documentation link with more details on Co-Pilot for Automators

So, that's the rundown of my top 5 dev features from the .31 release. Each of these brings something unique to the table, making our lives as automation developers that much easier and more exciting. I'm eager to hear your thoughts and see what you all create with these new tools at your disposal.

Don't forget to check out the video for a deeper dive into each feature, and hit me up in the comments with your top picks and experiences. Until next time, keep automating and innovating!

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