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Understanding Groups Creation/Classification in IQ Bot

  • January 27, 2023
  • 0 replies

Setric Breeze

This is a guest post from Setric Breeze J, a Certified RPA Developer with over 6 years of IT Experience. If you have an idea for a blog post or tutorial that you think would benefit the Automation Anywhere developer community, let us know at

In this tutorial, we will understand how IQ Bot understands documents and creates/classifies the groups. Here are the steps:

  1. IQ Bot reads data in the document from Left to Right and Top to Bottom
  2. SIR gets generated based on how OCR reads the data
  3. Each SIR is referred to Aliases Field from the SQL Server table [AliasData].[dbo].[Aliases]. IQ Bot will search for the identified keyword from the document and add it to this table to find the respective Field ID
  4. With the identified Field ID, it again searches for exact field name (Required Form Field Name) and ID corresponding to it from the table [AliasData].[dbo].[Fields]
  5. With the ID that is identified from [AliasData].[dbo].[Fields] IQ Bot classifies each identified fields ID and updates it into table [ClassifierData].[dbo].[ContentClassification]
  6. As the identified field ID’s are cumulated for that specific document, IQ bot creates a new group if the sequence of identified fields ID’s are different
  7. It does not create a new group if the sequence of identified fields are same

Here is a simple document which we will use for this exercise, feel free to download and try it for yourself.

The attached document created a new group in IQ bot LI as Group No 5302. Let’s see how it got created.

ID (Group Number) – 5302
Training (Field ID’s identified by IQ Bot) - 317,308,309,335,315,315,328,315,317,338,315,320,320,341,309,310,310,315
Project ID (Learning Instance ID) - b6c99e88-d792-4453-9d03-9b27af4a3699

The above result is from IQ Bot SQL Server Database using the below query.
Select * FROM [ClassifierData].[dbo].[ContentClassification] where Id = '5302' (Since we already know the group number I have used the group number in where condition)

Below is the sample screenshot of the attached document.

Now, that you have a basic understanding, let's deep dive into each of the steps:

  • As discussed above, IQ Bot reads the document from left to right and top to bottom.‌
  • Also, for each SIR that is identified, IQ Bot will check for those fields in SQL Server DB in Aliases table to find its Field ID.

  • As we have already seen in the content classification table of ID 5302, IQ bot has identified that 317 is the first field. Let’s see how the BOT identified the Field ID 317‌
    • While reading the document, IQ Bot identified either the Keyword “REMIT” or “REMIT PAYMENT” or “PAYMENT TO:” or “REMIT PAYMENT TO:” based on document quality and generated SIR based on OCR.
    • It now checks for the identified field in Aliases table of IQ Bot SQL Server Database.
    • Refer to this document for the list of aliases that are available in SQL DB for the Field ID 317.
    • When it refers to Aliases table it identified “Please Remit Payment To:” and found Field ID as “317” using below query. Refer the screenshot below for SQL table results with this query:

      select * FROM [AliasData].[dbo].[Aliases] where fieldid in (317) and Alias like '%REMIT PAYMENT TO:%'


  •   Once it finds the field ID from the Aliases table, it searches in the fields Table to find out the Form/Table Field, the respective Field ID (317) refers to.
  • Using the below query we can identify the same.

      • Select * FROM [AliasData].[dbo].[Fields] where id in (317)
  • Field ID 317 pertains to “Supplier Name”
  • Likewise it’ll check for all SIR’s identified from the document, searches it from the Aliases & Fields table and add the identified Field ID into a sequence in content classification.
  • Here are all the aliases identified: Please Remit Payment To:,Invoice Number:,Invoice Date,Terms,STG LOGISTICS,EMail:-, Account,Invoice,BILL TO,Shipper,Agility,Consignee:,Export References,PICKUP:, DESCRIPTION,Weights,Date,Total-,$,Sub Total,TOTAL CHARGES,Customer
  • And here are the Field ids: 317,308,309,335,336,315,315,328,315,317,338,315,320,317,320,341,309,310,310,310,310,315

This is how the Groups are formed/classified in IQ Bot when documents are pushed into IQ Bot.

Note: You can also find a word document created for each file processed by IQ bot in below mentioned location in IQ Bot Server machine.

C:\Users\Public\Documents\Automation Anywhere IQBot Platform\Logs\Engine

Here is the Classifier document of the sample PDF shared above. In this attached word document you can find:

  • No of fields ID’s identified
  • List of Field ID’s
  • List of Aliases Name that IQ bot searched and it's status as True/False based on the search result


Hopefully, you enjoyed understanding how IQ Bot creates/classifies the groups.

Setric Breeze J

He is a Certified RPA Developer with 6 years of IT Experience in which 3+ years of experience in Process Automation. He is a quick learner with expertise in Automating applications like Web, Excel, Oracle, IBM Control and has excellent knowledge of IQ Bot.

When he’s not building bots, you can find Setric on LinkedIn.

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