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Reusing Bots and Packages from Bot Store

  • 7 July 2020
  • 0 replies



Automation Anywhere’s Bot Store offers hundreds of pre-built bots and packages for both Automation 360 and Enterprise v11. In this learning experience, we’ll look at leveraging the pre-built content available in Bot Store to build complex automations quickly. Automation Anywhere’s Bot Store is the world’s largest RPA marketplace - containing several hundred pre-built bots and packages created by process automation and integration specialists. By utilizing pre-built, customizable, and reusable bots and packages in the Bot Store, developers can speed up their RPA development by 70% and at half the cost.


To Do


Take a look at Bot Store to review some of the available components.


We sorted components by business process they serve, their categorization, and the applications they engage with. Beyond being a location for downloading pre-built bots/packages to include in bot builds, the Bot Store is also an excellent place for automation ideas and to explore some of the “art of the possible” with RPA.

Check out the following guide to connecting your Automation 360 Control Room to Bot Store.


Here we will walk through Bot Store uploads and how to install Bot Store components into your Automation 360  environment.

Watch the following videos on Bot Store benefits and Automation 360 Integration:


Developers use the Bot Store to improve their development experience with pre-built bots and packages and even use it to explore new automation ideas. As you embark on new bot builds or review older builds for improvements, make a habit of checking the Bot Store to see what components might improve your automation and speed up your development timeline.

Finally, as you gain experience as an RPA developer and seek to demonstrate your expertise publicly, consider submitting bots and packages to the Bot Store, helping the community build better bots with the components you’ve developed. Check out the Bot Store Submission Checklist to learn more about submitting bots and packages to the Bot Store.





AAU Bot Store Learning Trail (v11)


Blog Posts

Bot Store Bots: Re-usability for Faster Automation


Popular Bots / Packages

Bot Store: Automation 360 Bots and Command Packages

Perform Various Outlook Operations
Perform Various Excel Operations
Change Date and Time Format
JSON Parser Bot


Reference Items

Automation Anywhere Private Bot Store

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