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Whether it’s a series of intranet posts, emails or a coveted Intranet hub dedicated to socializing your Automation Program, these are great tips for educating and inspiring your audience about the power of automation. Start by welcoming everyone to your Automation Hub or Email Series. Introduce Automation not so much as an army of bots (which can sound confusing, or scary) but as digital co-workers ready to help with routine work or make someone’s everyday life easier. Here are recommendations from the Automation Anywhere Community. Try them on for size in your own promotion and engagement efforts:


Hello world, Meet Your Automation Program


Encourage as many people as possible to get involved in the automation process. Let them know that the best way to start is by learning about the power of Automation or reaching out to team members with specific questions.


Introduce Your Team


Let everyone know your team has been charged with automating the enterprise, and how you’re using technology to innovate.


Share the Love


You know why automation is great. But others might not. Spell it out for them by sharing things like:

  • Virtual co-workers can make everyone’s job easier
  • Automation can be easy to deliver (nope, it doesn’t take years or even months to build)
  • It’s available 24/7
  • Using automation to take care of routine tasks gives people time for their REAL talents


What’s that you say? Looking for more?


If you have online courses or other curriculum to share, introduce them! These don’t have to be anything fancy—they can be home grown videos, e-books, testimonials from people already using automation at your organization and whatever else you can put together quickly. Confessions from Automation Leaders: Our community members always remind each other that automation is as much about human experiences as it is about technology. Accordingly, avoid intimidating images of robots doing someone’s job or hovering over people watching them work. Stick to friendly, engaging images of people working efficiently (and being happy to do it because their more routine work is being automated!).


Automation Anywhere University is Here for you


You can always encourage team members to go to the Automation Anywhere University and register for free courses that are applicable to their efforts. Hands-on developers can also benefit from Learning Trails like:


Getting Started with Robotic Program Automation

Automation Anywhere Certified Advanced RPA Professional Prep


Hero Spotlights and Testimonials


Highlight use cases so that people can see automation in action. Emphasize processes that you’ve automated that take a long time to do, are repetitive (and let’s face it, that people would rather not do). This is also a great time to grab a few notable quotes from people who’ve benefited from automation. Shine a spotlight on those people and what they have to say!


Build Your Opportunity Pipeline


Your website, email campaign or Slack channel is a great place to generate ideas for that next best automation use case. You’ll likely have to educate your audience on what kind of processes are most appropriate to be automated. And you’ll want to share real examples as well as describing what makes a process a good candidate. Here’s a real-world example of Use Case criteria from one of your fellow Community members, providing guidance to a group of HR developers:

  • Is your task rule based, and done over and over?
  • Is it a stable task that has a set process that doesn’t change often?
  • Does the task require little critical thinking from a person?
  • Is it something that’s done A LOT?


Another Automation Leader Confession: Set up an email inbox where people who have ideas that fit the bill can share them. And make sure someone monitors it and responds to inquiries.


Just Start Somewhere


This should be enough to get you started promoting the benefits of your automation journey. But don’t wait for perfection—just get started spreading the word (and encourage your team to do the same!).

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