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Bot Store Spotlight - Web Automation Package

  • 5 August 2021
  • 2 replies


Bot Store Spotlight - Web Automation Package


The Web Automation Package is one of the most popular packages in Automation Anywhere's Bot Store. This package enables developers to automate web interfaces by leveraging Selenium. It supports Chrome and Edge browser and uses the Open Source ChromeDriver and EdgeDriver under the hood. This package could be used as an alternative to the Recorder package. Using the Web Automation Package, you can use JavaScript to interact with various objects in the web interface.


Setup: Here are the links to download ChromeDriver and EdgeDriver. The package itself has the 92.x drivers packaged natively, but if you run into issues - you can try downloading these drivers manually and reference their location either on the Control Room or on the local Bot Runner/development machine.


In this video, we have discussed how you can use the Web Automation package to solve the Bot Wars challenge page for the first week of August.


We have covered the details about how you can interact with different objects such as entering text into a text box, selecting values from a dropdown, selecting radio button, checking the checkbox and clicking on the buttons. The package has a lot more features than the ones described here, however, to solve the challenge page for this week, you can get by with these actions.


For more details about different actions in this package, refer to the Bot Store listing page, which also includes the link to a ReadMe file with details about how to use all the actions in the package.




Hopefully, you will enjoy automating different challenge pages with this Web Automation package. The execution speeds are much higher compared to the actions in the Recorder package. Using the Web Automation package, you can:

  • Automate tasks in web pages that are very dynamic or use HTML elements like ShadowRoot.
  • You can execute automations in “Headless”- mode to make them invisible to the end-user.
  • Automation of tasks in applications such as Salesforce or ServiceNow becomes more reliable.

Can you use this web automation package in EDGE IE mode in a JAVA application??

I there any tutorial for using Web Automation Package in Salesforce Lightning?
