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What is a Most Valuable Pathfinder (MVP)?

Automation Anywhere's Most Valuable Pathfinders (MVPs) are a group of dynamic leaders, innovators, and skilled practitioners. They're dedicated to sparking change in the automation field by volunteering, mentoring, and sharing ideas with the global community.

How can I become a Most Valuable Pathfinder?


We will award a new group of MVPs annually. Nominations are welcome through account teams, self-nominations, current Pathfinder Community members, or evaluations by community moderators or administrators. 

What are the benefits of being a Most Valuable Pathfinder?


Here are some potential benefits of being an MVP:

  • Special recognition within the Pathfinder Community
  • Exclusive access to new product features or resources and direct connection to Automation Anywhere product leaders
  • Badges or titles indicating MVP status
  • Opportunities to participate in special events or programs
  • Occasionally tangible rewards such as exclusively branded SWAG, content review and publication, or event sponsorships

How are Most Valuable Pathfinders selected?


The MVP program is open to anyone on the automation team, including Automation Leaders, Pro Developers, Citizen Developers, and Business Analysts. Nominees should be collaborative, approachable, and welcoming, enthusiastic about sharing knowledge, and passionate about automation. We want to ensure a mutually-beneficial partnership and seek to find Pathfinders committed to connection and engagement.

Can I nominate someone to become a Most Valuable Pathfinder?


We will formally launch nominations annually through our Pathfinder Community and account teams. If you are interested in being considered for the program, please complete this interest form. We will then communicate the dates and timeline for the next nomination series.

What responsibilities do Most Valuable Pathfinders have?


Our MVPs continue to bring value to Automation Anywhere and our global automation community through:

  • Growing and leading community programs (user groups, dev evangelism, etc.)
  • Facilitating forum engagement
  • Developing customer-driven community content
  • Promoting community efforts and building brand awareness as engaged Automation Anywhere ambassadors

Moreover, a Community MVP serves as a conduit for product feedback, bridging the gap between users and our product leaders to enhance product functionality. They leverage speaking opportunities to share expertise, further elevating the community's understanding and fostering growth. Through these endeavors, they not only amplify the organization's reach but also cultivate valuable networking connections, enriching the partnership with our community and organization.

Is the Most Valuable Pathfinder program open to everyone?


Anyone who is an Automation Anywhere customer and member of the Pathfinder Community can apply to participate in the MVP program. The goal is to find Pathfinder Community members excited about automation innovation, and those who are interested in actively contributing to the Pathfinder Community, its growth, and wellbeing This can include developers, automation leaders, citizen developers, business analysts, or any other individuals who play a constructive role within their automation program.

How long does a Most Valuable Pathfinder hold the title?


Our MVP program operates on an annual renewal cycle, ensuring continued commitment and contributions. Your status automatically renews if an MVP remains interested, active, and engaged. We value each Pathfinder Community member’s wellbeing and understand if priorities shift. Contributions, whether large or small, are deeply appreciated and make a significant impact on our community.

Can I lose my Most Valuable Pathfinder status?


MVP status is typically not permanent and may be subject to review. It's based on continued active participation and contribution to the community. A Pathfinder Community Program Leader will meet with MVPs quarterly to evaluate activities and engagement, and formal status will be evaluated annually.

I have a question or an idea related to Most Valuable Pathfinder, where can I go?


We welcome all inquiries and feedback! Please reach out to us at


Last Updated: April 2024

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