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Meet MVP Logan Price, Senior Operations Accountant & Citizen Developer at Range Resources

  • April 9, 2024
  • 1 reply
Meet MVP Logan Price, Senior Operations Accountant & Citizen Developer at Range Resources

You’ve seen them quite often around the Pathfinder-verse, heard them speak at events or virtual meetings, maybe even dialogued with them in a forum thread—they’re our Most Valuable Pathfinders! They are the spark keeping the Pathfinder Community ablaze, so it was about time we took a beat to really get to know each one of our MVPs better and share their unique stories with you!

So without further ado, let’s get to know…


Logan Price

The Basics

  • Years of Automation Experience: 3 years
  • Current Company: Range Resources
  • Official Title: Senior Operations Accountant & Citizen Developer

But this is how Logan would actually describe what he does: I’m an accountant in the oil and gas industry who loves automation, so I help automate manual processes at my company to help people save time.

  • Biggest Professional Achievement to date: His biggest professional achievement is currently underway! With a Program Manager at his company, he’s creating a power BI dashboard that will present automation metrics in a visually appealing way to be distributed to help generate buy-in and enable his team to spread their automation footprint across the company.


Five Fun Facts

  • His birthday is June 22
  • His superpower of choice would be super strength
  • His favorite TV show is Breaking Bad - he’s only seen the entire series 4 or 5 times
  • The most adventurous thing he’s done is a 70 mile trek across New Mexico in Boy Scouts (and he weathered a lighting storm while doing it!)
  • He’d love to travel to Germany and the surrounding countries (he’s even learning to speak German to prepare)


Expertise / Specializations


As a citizen developer, Logan’s typical day-to-day focus is on creating automations and working in Automation Anywhere’s bot editor to put process actions together. However, after attending this year’s Imagine, having had insightful conversations with folks across a spectrum of industries and specialties within automation, he walked away feeling energized to learn more about his organization’s business needs and how automation can help meet those needs. He believes everyone would benefit from learning more about a business analyst’s perspective to understand business needs.

If he had one piece of advice for someone new to automation it would be:

“Don’t be afraid to ask questions. In the beginning, it’s hard to admit you don’t know what you’re doing. But, I can guarantee your team would rather you ask questions and show a willingness to learn than see you become paralyzed and not make progress in your work.”


Logan in the Community


Professionally, Logan dedicates his time to the Pathfinder and MVP communities here at Automation Anywhere. In fact, he was just a featured speaker in one of our Q4 User Group meetings! But involvement in these groups is not the only way he gives back to the automation community. Recently, at his company, Logan trained a new hire to take over his job when he was promoted (congrats!), acting as an unofficial mentor to that person. He also became involved with his company’s summer internship program, where he was able to expose high schoolers to opportunities in the oil and gas industry and share advice with them as they consider future careers.

In his personal free time, Logan enjoys the Last Week in AI podcast, a quick weekly listen that is chock full of the latest news and innovations with AI. Logan considers himself a dreamer when it comes to developing new approaches to solving problems, and is particularly excited about where generative AI is going and how he can be a leader with new technology.

What’s Next for Logan


Looking forward, Logan would like to become more actively involved in his company and groups like Pathfinder to continue to build his network. He feels the more he seizes opportunities to interact with diverse automation peers, the more he is inspired and can avoid experiencing an innovation rut or stifled growth.


Thank you, Logan, for letting us all get to know you better. And thank you for your continued contributions to our Pathfinder Community!

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Most Valuable Pathfinder
  • Most Valuable Pathfinder
  • 77 replies
  • April 15, 2024

Thank you Suzanne for this gracious profile. It’s been a fun experience being a part of the MVP program!

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