You’ve seen them quite often around the Pathfinder-verse, heard them speak at events or virtual meetings, maybe even dialogued with them in a forum thread—they’re our Most Valuable Pathfinders! They are the spark keeping the Pathfinder Community ablaze, so it was about time we took a beat to really get to know each one of our MVPs better and share their unique stories with you!
So without further ado, let’s get to know…
Eric Kern
The Basics
- Years of Automation Experience: 7-8 years
- Current Company: TriNet
- Official Title: Architect
But this is how Eric would actually describe what he does: I tell people I automate end-to-end processes to bring value back to the business.
- Biggest Professional Achievement to date: Recently, Eric helped complete a case-routing process for TriNet’s customer experience team through the CRM. But this use case was particularly special to Eric because he and his team added a layer of AI using keywords and predictive model design. It is the first use case to incorporate AI in the organization, and Eric is exceptionally proud to witness its success and impact.
Five Fun Facts
- His birthday is Cinco de Mayo (and that’s his phrasing!🍹)
- Without hesitation, he proclaims Dodgeball is his favorite movie.
- If he could have any superpower, he’d want the ability to fly.
- One of the most adrenaline-inducing things he’s done is hang glide over Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
- The next destination on his travel bucket list is Japan.
Expertise / Specializations
As an Architect, Eric’s greatest professional strength is developing. He places a big emphasis on anticipating customers' needs and prioritizing those needs when designing a solution. He’d like to enrich his skills as a thought leader and gain more confidence in stepping up as an influential voice in his organization.
The automation products Eric uses most in his work at TriNet are AARI and API Tasks. In fact, he gave a breakout presentation at Imagine 2023 on his organization’s incredible success with end-to-end process automation utilizing API Tasks. Up next, Eric has his sights set on generative AI. He’s leveraged gen AI in some of his personal work, but is very eager to identify a use case in which he can incorporate this new tech to create a cutting-edge automated solution.
If Eric had one piece of advice for someone new to automation it would be:
“Don’t wait. Get started learning and building and discovering what area of automation you are most excited by. There are so many resources online to help you on your journey.”
Eric in the Community
Regarding connecting with professional automation communities, Eric is most active in our Automation Anywhere MVP group - and boy, we are grateful for that! He also mentors interns and new hires who come through TriNet, sharing his development knowledge, encouraging them never to be afraid to ask questions, and emboldening them to chase their passions.
What’s Next for Eric
Eric is living in the now! He is focused on and fulfilled by the projects currently on his plate. However, in the next year, he plans to grow his business acumen and management skills through continuing education resources.
Thank you, Eric, for letting us all get to know you better. And thank you for your continued contributions to our Pathfinder Community!