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While schedule a bot it is not working in Unattended mode. But in attended mode its working good.

I'm closing the RDP server and run with control room bot is working fine, But if we schedule a bot at 12:30am IST bot getting failure. if we run with attended mode we are not facing issue, we are facing issue with unattended mode only.

11 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Hi @Rajesh Gorlagunta​ ,


I hope you have enabled the auto-login feature, If not please check the below link,>


Also, a quick check that the user has been assigned the correct license to execute the task.

Hi @Tamil Arasu​ 


Thanks for your reply. I already enabled the auto-login features.


Yes, Assigned to correct license only.

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Any error while triggering task via schedule?

@Tamil Arasu​ Yes we are facing error like below message and we are getting black screenshot.

Error Message: Unable to perform LEFTCLICK action. TEXTBOX is unavailable. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Ok, I thought issue in allocating the runner.


The error message is related to code, could you please re-capture the click and adjust the Path or DOMX path and give it try

@Tamil Arasu​ code was perfect, it is working in attended mode and we are facing error in unattended mode only also we recaptured the code and select as click option then also we are facing issue. please suggest what settings need to change in runner machine.


@Tamil Arasu​ Thank you for your information. I have installed the batch file and disconnect RDP and Logoff executed after that schedule is working fine, but if I'm schedule at 12:30AM we are facing error in that time my local system is in sleep mode but server always on only. Why I'm getting error.

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

It seems that the user console session is not getting disconnected properly after first run. Can you please try to logoff from machine using attached batch file(run the batch file as admin) and then deploy the tasks.


Please execute the batch file using the admin mode, after the schedule task , give it try. I hope this will help you to resolve the issue.





Userlevel 6
Badge +15

I'm not sure why the error occurring the particular time only

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Maybe, please monitor the process few days if this occurs again, please reach the support team to help this issue to resolve.

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hello @Rajesh Gorlagunta​, Please follow steps from below KB article and it should help resolve the issue.
