
While executing a MessageBox Bot I am getting error "We found an issue that prevents the bot from running."

  • 11 January 2022
  • 7 replies

It says "Search for 'preprocessing' on>

to find the most common ". When I check the link, I am unable to find anything matching my scenario as my BOT has just a message Box containing "Hi"


If someone has faced similar scenario please suggest where I might be going wrong.

7 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Hi @Shruti Kirti​ ,


Can you restart Bot Agent Service and try again?

Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Can you share error screenshot & Code Snippet?

Hi @ChanduMohammad S​ I restarted the services but this has not helped.

Error MessageThis is the error which we get

And code snippet is



Hello @Arjun Meda​ 


We have another issue, where we see 2 active version of package as "Default". Super user (AAE Admin - without any other role) is also unable to disable any package.


Here when I keep the package anything (Default or non default) I am getting the same error:

Package being used right now is


Userlevel 7
Badge +10

@Shruti Kirti​ 

Change the package version for the Message box action and try executing to see if it works.

I assume you are able to run other bots, can you confirm?

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi @Shruti Kirti​ ,


The issue is due to multiple default package for Message box action. This needs a clean up in the db to overcome the error.

Please contact Support if the issue still persists.
