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Web page distorted after capturing

  • 10 May 2022
  • 1 reply

I am trying to do capturing in Edge for TeamMate+ application. However every time I do capture in TeamMate, it will mess up the web page layout. Please see the two screenshots below. The toolbar is missing and the other elements are not at their original positions anymore. Seems like a RPA’s bug? Can you please help to check? Thanks,


Before capture:

image.pngAfter capture:

image.pngThere is only one step of capturing in the bot:


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hello @alex zhang​ 


Thanks for writing us at the AA forum.


With details analyzed, the captured object seems to be with legacy technology and being captured as CLIENT.


We have addressed the same in the A360.25 release where the technology can be selected before capturing the element.


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