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We have Migrated the Bots from V11 to A360. However, we are unable to export bot from UAT A360 control room environment as we need to import the bots on Prod Environment. Please take this as Priority. Thanks in Advance

  • 17 August 2022
  • 4 replies

We have migrated Bots from Automation Anywhere V11 to A360 and processes are running fine on A360, however we are unable to export Bots from A360 Control Room as we need to import the exported Bots on A360 Prod environment. We are getting the attached error.

@MICAH SMITH​ @Ashwin A.K​ @Khaled Mostafa​ @Azhar Hossain​ @ChanduMohammad S​ 


Open the link and click on Download exported zip file it gives us the Error 

Hi @Muhammad Shahzaib​ ,


I'm not exactly sure about this, since I haven't faced it so far.

Also you have exported the Bots from Dev, you can import that to Prod right?


We don't usually include Bot Dev licenses in UAT, so assuming that you haven't made any chances to the automation(s) in UAT, and everything went well, you can directly import the bots from Dev to Prod.


If the issue persists, I'd recommend creating a case with Automation Anywhere Support(requires Partner Access)


Kind Regards,

Ashwin A.K

Hi @Ashwin A.K​,


Actually our DEV and UAT environment are same It is doing from Client side and yes we create a case and some team mates from AA are Aligned.

Thanks 🙂

Best bet is to open a support ticket on this one @Muhammad Shahzaib​ - given the error above, there's not much for me to go off of, so support can walk through the process of gathering logs to get to the root of the issue.



Yes we already generate a ticket and resources are aligned with us.

Thanks :)
