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waitforinputidle error when trying to run powershell with Open Program/App

  • 13 December 2022
  • 3 replies

When I am attempting to run an Open Program/File command - powershell.exe to be exact

Full error:

“Error WaitForInputIdle. It may be because the process does not have a graphical interface."

Hi @Witold Sobkow ,

If it works, enclosed it in an error command in order to  avoid stop the taskbot.


Dear @Witold Sobkow,


Can you please show some properties of Open Program/File action with screenshots, So we can sort out easily where you basically stuck.



Hi @Witold Sobkow ,


You can try 3 things here and see whether these are helping or not.


  • There is a known bug with multiple language function. So, change your OS language to English and try running the BOT again.


  • Through the Error handler package, use the Pass to bypass the issue


  • Try killing the background process which using AA.      
  1. Run AA Client as Admin or AA Client -> Tools -> Options -> Runtime Settings -> Select Run Tasks as Administrator.
  2. Using Open Program/File command.
  3. Step 1: taskkill.exe
  4. Step 3: /f /im tprogram name.exe]
