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Unable to set up credentials

  • February 5, 2022
  • 2 replies

Hello Everyone,

I have successfully registered and got access to the community edition contril room. While running the bot, I am getting error as "Credentials were not set".

I have tried by reinstalling ​bot agent thrice, enabled extensions aswell. And also tried in other laptops, by diconnectivg the previous device. Still facing the same error.

Moreover under credentials category, i am not getting password prompt and also eventhough i gave my device login as username and clicked on edit changes its not accepting.

Please find the attached screenshot to get an idea. It would be really grateful if someone could resolve my issue. Thanks in advance.

2 replies



Please uninstall the BOT agent, remove devices as well and Login into Control Room and perform below steps



  1. Log in to the Control Room through your Automation Anywhere URL using a supported browser.
  2. Install the Bot agent and add a local device by choosing one of the following options:
  • From the menu on the right, click the device icon to connect a local device.
    • Go to the Devices page, and click the Connect local device icon located at the top-right of the Devices list.
  1. Click Connect to my computer.
  2. The Bot agent setup file is downloaded.
  3. Follow the steps outlined in the wizard.
  4. Authenticated proxy access: If your device's access to the internet is controlled through an authenticating proxy server, you are prompted to provide the proxy server authentication details. These credentials are required for the device to communicate with the Control Room.
  5. To enable the authenticated proxy, register the device through a Google Chrome browser with the Automation 360 Chrome extension enabled.
  6. Note: The Chrome extension is installed for Google Chrome Enterprise browser users even if the device is offline. The extension is downloaded along with the Bot agent MSI installer file.
  7. Select an option to install the Bot agent either at the system level or user level.
  • To install at the system level, select Anyone who uses this computer (all users)
    • All users of the device can use this Bot agent. However, users installing the Bot agent must have administrator privileges.
  • To install at the user level, select Only for me (username).
    • The Bot agent will be available only to the individual user.
  1. Enter the following in the Additional information screen:
  • Device nickname (optional)
  • Device type (single user or multiple user)
    • Note: For a multiple user device, enter the number of concurrent sessions that will be allowed. A minimum of two concurrent sessions is supported.
  1. Click Done.
  • The Bot agent is registered as a Windows service: Automation Anywhere Bot agent Service.
    • A shortcut to access AARI Assistant is added to the Windows Start menu and desktop.
  1. Set the user device credentials so that your device can run bots.
  2. Refresh the Devices page and verify that the local device is added.
  3. You can identify the devices by their IP address and hostname.*115m18e*_ga*OTM1MDgzMzY5LjE2Mjk3MTk4OTU.*_ga_DG1BTLENXK*MTY0NDE0MTkzMi4xNTUuMS4xNjQ0MTQzNTY5LjU5amp;_ga=2.174347426.1494395145.1644141934-935083369.1629719895


If this helps you please do Like & mark as "Best Answer" so it will be helpful for others as well. 

  • Cadet | Tier 2
  • 1 reply
  • July 26, 2022

Facing similar error. Did you get any resolution for the same ?​

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