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Start bot from desktop shortcut?

  • 11 March 2024
  • 1 reply

Is there a simple way to deploy a bot on local device with a creator license without going via Control room and clicking ‘Run’?

For example, can I click a desktop shortcut which will start bot on my device?



Unfortunately, using creator or attended lisence there is no direct method to run the bot from a desktop shortcut. However, I can offer the following suggestions for you to try and achieve this:

 - Implement a hotkey trigger, enabling you to run the bot by pressing a specific keystroke on your machine.

   Example: CTRL+g+h to run the payments bot.


The only challenge lies in activating the control room login on the machine.


To address this issue, you can activate the login through an control room API or by utilizing scripts.

If you are using unattended bot licence for runner you can use hot keys effectively without any problems.

Here is link to setup hot keys :


If suggestion is helpful please mark as best answer‼️ ❣️


Thank you,

