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SharePoint: Get folder(s) does not support some special characters : +


Hello everyone,


I am using the Sharepoint Package, more specifically the SharePoint: Get folder(s)

This package works as expected when the Sharepoint folder has a standard name. Typically, I have one folder per customer, and the folder is named “Company A Gmbh” → In the List of folders containing the result I will have “Company A Gmbh”

If there is a “+” sign, for example “Company A + Company B Gmbh” the List of folders containing the result is empty

I have not extensively tested, but some other special characters seem not to be supported.


Moreover # are not supported, whereas there are actually folders with # in Sharepoint

The same goes for the ‘ character, which is fully supported by Sharepoint



4 replies

Polyana 8891
  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 18 replies
  • May 6, 2024


try replacing the character # with %23, I did a test first by obtaining the data from the folders and the return was this set instead of the character #.



  • Author
  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 65 replies
  • May 6, 2024
Polyana 8891 wrote:


try replacing the character # with %23, I did a test first by obtaining the data from the folders and the return was this set instead of the character #.


Hi Polyana,


Thanks a lot for your answer.

Replacing special characters with their percent-encoding is what I usually do for special characters not supported.


However regarding this package the behaviour seems a bit different : percents “%” are not allowed and when I list all folders hashtags “#” are correctly returned.



Polyana 8891
  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 18 replies
  • May 6, 2024

nossa, que estranho.

Geralmente eu faço um get para verificar como os nomes de pasta e arquivo são retornados para ter certeza de que eu uso os caracteres corretamente.

Acredito que uma solução, complexa, mas que seja uma solução, seria obter todas as pastas no caminho e depois usar um loop com um se verificando se o nome da pasta é o mesmo que você precisa e então fazer as ações necessárias. Dá um pouco mais de trabalho e consome mais linhas, mas acredito que seja eficaz:



  • Author
  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 65 replies
  • May 14, 2024

Hi Polyana,


You are right, getting all documents, and then looping through the results with the String package is a workaround.

It seems this is a limitation from Automation Anywhere.

Thanks a lot for your answer !

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