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RPA challenge

  • 16 March 2023
  • 4 replies

Hi, Could someone help me with the rpa challenge. The thing is unable to find the text box because of the dynamic properties. Even though i am unchecking the dynamic properties but i can’t find the fdprocess id property to uncheck.

4 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Pushpi ,


Can you tell me which Challenge it is and where you are actually stuck? Also, would be helpful if you can share a screen shot of the error and your code as well.

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Thanks for responding @Padmakumar , I am not getting any error but when i am automating the this page the fields are automatically changing. so i am unchecking the dynamic properties like html id , html name but there is  fdprocess id property is aslo changing dynamically. But i can’t find that find that fdprocess id  property in properties panel to uncheck.


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@Pushpi You won’t be able to use the text fields themselves because the properties change every time the page is refresh, that’s the whole point of the challenge. Use the field labels to find the respective text field.

Badge +3

Hi, Could someone help me with the rpa challenge. The thing is unable to find the text box because of the dynamic properties. Even though i am unchecking the dynamic properties but i can’t find the fdprocess id property to uncheck.

Hi Pushpi,

As you can see  the [ng- reflect name=”labelRole”] is the field which is not changing ,
so what you can do is just create a dynamic Domx path like
for ex- //input[@ng-reflect-name="labelLastName"]
use these domx path for your respective fields means for all 7 fields use this path in domx path properties
This will work .

