
Rest Put Method not updating the dictionary output variable

  • 8 February 2022
  • 7 replies

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Rest Put Method action is executing successfully but not updating the dictionary output variable. Upon testing the same put request in Postman can confirm that the API server is responding with 204 (No content success) header response which should be value updated to the output dictionary variable.


Dictionary variable is updated for Rest Get Method action.


Possible bug?


Gen : A360

Build : Automation 360 build 11513

7 replies

Userlevel 6
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Hi @Vivek Raj Selvaraj​ ,


As per above statement, you have the same issue in Postman as well right? If yes please connect with the respective Dev or IT team and then you can check in A360.

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Thanks for responding. Am sorry if the explanation wasn’t clear enough.

But postman does respond with 204 response code which means the application’s REST web server works fine. It’s just that A360’s PUT action is not initializing the output variable with the response from the web server.

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Hi @Vivek Raj Selvaraj​ ,


Could you Debug the code and check all the required values that are passed are correct example Header values, Body etc?

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It’s null. But the header key should be initialized with 204 response as the server is responding with it.

The body key can be null / empty as no content is responded by the server which is why it’s a 204 httpcode.

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Hi @Vivek Raj Selvaraj​ ,


Are you saying that the Body returned in null?

You might want to try running it in debug and apply a breakpoint just after the Put Method just to see what all values are brought in after the API call is made.


Kind Regards,

Ashwin A.K

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Let me narrow down the issue for you guys trying to help me, the issue is not with the Put Rest action’s efficiency. It works!

The problem is it’s not updating the output variable after execution even when set to update dictionary / multiple variables.

If you have a working put rest action in your projects / test setup, could you, please confirm if it updates the output variable by trying to perform a string manipulation (if action) on the Dictionary-Variable{Response} value?

If you guys can perform that, then it’s a version issue that I can take it up with AA’s tech team via a ticket.

Again, appreciate all your help!

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This is fixed in Rest Web Services package version 3.9.x or higher.
