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Related to "Pending Execution"

  • June 21, 2022
  • 1 reply

I am reading Mail and calling BOT as per condition.

Conditions are depending on Email Sender and email Subject Content.

Bot Structure is like :

1) Ream Unread Mail

2) Checking sender

If sender has permission(checking emailid in CSV file) then proceed otherwise proceeding to other steps ( skipping 3rd Step)

3) Checking Email Content

If Email Subject is Text_1 --> task Bot_1 ( 2 child BOTS)

If Email Subject is Text_2 --> task Bot_2

If Email Subject is Text_3 --> task Bot_3

If Email Subject is Text_5 --> task Bot_5

If Email Subject is Text_6 --> task Bot_6

If Email Subject is Text_7 --> task Bot_7

When I schedule BOT without step 3 It execute smoothly


But When I scheduling BOT with step 3 ( 9 BOTS) then It will show status as Pending Execution in Activity--> In progress



I am attaching screenshot shows "Pending Execution"


BOT agent version : 21.121

with Automation 360 build 11513


Thanks In Advance


1 reply


Hello @Rajkumar Jagdale​ ,

Thank You for contacting Automation Anywhere Community Forum.

Based upon the explanation of the problem it seems to be the bot is having an issue with folder permissions kindly check the bot 3 folder and permissions to the runner user on that folder. The folder permissions may cause such issues while deploying the bot.


Thank You

Vaibhav Muley

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