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Hello everyone,

we have created a bot which works fine when we are logged in into the VM. But when we run the bot and disconnect the VM the Bot stops working properly. For example keystrokes stop working, cannot log into the SAP system and other problems. If is important to be mentioned our user is Bot Creator and we are not Bot Runner. So as we see if we are Bot Creator we cannot schedule the bot and run it properly.

The bot should be triggered with email , so we run the Bot disconnect VM and then we send email to be triggered, the bot  starts but not working properly. All this works perfect when we are logged into the VM.

I will appreciate any advice from you .


Teodora D.


@tdimitrova  you should have to use bot runner for this scenario to run the bot

@rbkadiyam , thank you for your answer!


I have used The Bot Runner user to run the bot , now the keystrokes are working, but Send email action( via Outlook) , not working. Email was not send. When I’m logged into the machine as a Bot Creator and running the Bot , everything works perfect, emails are sent ,keystrokes work.

So what could be the problem with action Send email(Outlook option) , when the Bot is ran by the Bot Runner user?


Best regards,



Kindly verify the method for deployment

Test using RDP if you are using Regular.


@Raul Jaimes ,Thank you, I will check it!




Thank you, @Raul Jaimes this helped me to solve my problem!




