Al ingresar al servidor que sera el bot creator y darle conectar a dispositivo local da error
El control room ya esta como forma segura, se agrego en la linea del archivo host la linea para que sea segura y funciona con el https

Al ingresar al servidor que sera el bot creator y darle conectar a dispositivo local da error
El control room ya esta como forma segura, se agrego en la linea del archivo host la linea para que sea segura y funciona con el https
Por favor siga los pasos descritos en el KB para importar el certificado intermedio en el botrunner/botcreator
Download the Intermediate Certificate from the chrome browser and save it in .CER format at the location: C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Bot Agent\jre\bin
Here is the link to download the intermediate certificate from the browser:
Run the command prompt as administrator
Navigate to C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Bot Agent\jre\bin
Use the following command to import the certificate in the keystore:
keytool -import -alias example -keystore "C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Bot Agent\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -file "D:\cert\xyz.cer"
Note: Mention the destination path of the certificate along with the file name.
Enter password : "changeit"
Enter “Y”
You will see the message that the certificate was imported successfully
Go to the Start option and search for MMC.
Open the console Root and click on Certificates.
It will open the certificates snap-in. Please select Computer Account and give a Next.
Please select Local Computer option from select Computer screen and click on Finish.
Go to the Trusted Root Certificates and right click on Certificates -> All Tasks -> Import.
It will open the certificate import wizard. Please select Next.
Need to specify the file which need to Import. So click on Browse and select the Intermediate certificate. Ex. Inm.cer. Then Click on Next.
It opens the Certificate Store. Please select "Place all certificates in the following store" and click Next.
It will show message "Import was successful" once it is done.
Please restart the machine and you will be able to register the device.
If after this also the same error is encountered, follow steps mentioned in the below document to import the proxy credentials.
Note: If third party trusted certificate is used, the certificate will be automatically added to the keystore. However, in cases where a valid third party certificate is not used then manual intervention would be required for sure.
Check if there are any connectivity issues between the CR and Bot Runner device over Network Proxy, with the help of the Bot Agent diagnostic utility tool.
E.g. Run the diagnostic utility tool with "-checkProxy <CR_URL>" option to check the error.
For "Unknown host exception", run the diagnostic utility tool with "-importProxy <CR_URL>" option to import the proxy setting.
Esos pasos los ejecuto en el servidor de control room o los ejecuto en el servidor de bot creator?
Es en el bot creator. Necesitará abrir un cmd con privilegios de administrador.
Muchas Gracias ya me funciono bien!
Excelente!. Mucho nos ayuda seleccionado la mejor respuesta en el presente hilo.
Cuando intento crear un rol o cambiar la clave del usuario que cree me sale este error, sabe a que puede deberse?
Cuando intento crear un rol o cambiar la clave del usuario que cree me sale este error, sabe a que puede deberse?
Quizá se trate de un error en permisos.
Enter your E-mail address. We'll send you an e-mail with instructions to reset your password.