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Moving bots

  • 7 February 2022
  • 20 replies



How can I move bots (created by me) from the Public to Private folder?

Hi @Robert Ozog​ ,


If you are the owner or have the required permissions, you can delete bots in the Public Folder as well.

It isn't necessary to Check it Out to Private.

You can try checking in an empty taskbot just to test it out.


Kind Regards,

Ashwin A.K

Sorry, I'll give you the bigger picture.

I create a bot in a private folder.

I move the bot to a public folder.

Now I would like to put this bot to private and delete it in public.

In other words I would like to go back to the situation before I moved anything, anywhere.

When I check out the bot from public to private can I delete the bot in the public folder?

In other words, I would like to move them back without any "consequences" and have a clear public folder again.

Hi @Robert Ozog​ ,


You can simply check it out from the Public Folder like so:



Kind Regards,

Ashwin A.K

Hi @Robert Ozog​ ,


Yes that works, but make sure that you really want to delete that bot because you can't recover it once deleted.


You can test it out with an empty bot just to get a feel for it before trying it out on bots you actually want to perform that operation onto.


Kind Regards,

Ashwin A.K

Hi @Robert Ozog​ ,


Check-In the respective bots to move from Public to Private Workspace.


Checkout below links for additional info,>

Hi @Robert Ozog​ ,


If you have Permissions to delete the bots in Public Workspace you can directly delete the bot no need to take it to Private.

Looks like I cannot delete 😞

imageSo far looks like moving the bot permanently back from the public to the private folder is impossible

Looks simple, but there is not what I'm looking for as final result (moving all bots from Public to private back - without any bots in the public folder)

When I da what you suggest I cannot check in bot again (from private to public)


For some reason someone decide to keep this so complicated :)


@Robert Ozog​ follow this:

  1. Clone bot from public to private
  2. Copy cloned bot from private to private
  3. Cancel checkout from private (if any)
  4. Delete bot from public

Hi @Robert Ozog​ ,


Just to keep the things simple,


Have Replicated the Same scenario, IN Public & Private have Red & Blue Arrows as above Screenshot (Since have Checked Out the Bot from Public to Private Workspace),


  1. Navigate to Private Workspace and select the Bot >> 3 Dots >> Select Cancel Checkout for Task Bot Option.
  2. Now go back to Public Workspace and Delete the Bot.


Note: In Private Workspace you can still see a Cloned version of the same bot, delete the bot from here as well if you dnt need this as a reference.

HI @Robert Ozog​ ,


I am able to delete my files and folders, so it must be a permission issue from your end.



Or try logging in as the user who checked out the bot


Kind Regards,

Ashwin A.K


I'm not able to replicate that.

When I check in bot from the public to the private folders both bots have additional "arrows" and I cannot delete none of them until I'll check in from private to public. But of course if I'll delete bot in public folder I'll loose the bot completely.

imageimageI have all possible roles attached to my login/user


I hope you get my point.

Here is a pictorial walkthrough:


Create a Dummy Bot in Dummy Folder:imageChecking In Dummy Bot to Public Folder



Checking Out Dummy Bot to Private Folder


In Private Folder, cancelling Check Out

imageDeleting Dummy Bot and Folder in Public Folder

imageDummy Bot still available in Private Folder.


I hope this is what you were looking for?


Kind Regards,

Ashwin A.K

All good at the point

4 Delete bot from public


Sorry but you don't get my point.

I did not say it it's impossible. But then I'll end up without a bot in the private and public folder.

It is impossible to have the bot back in the private folder and have public folder clear.


In other words I would like to go back to the situation before I moved anything, anywhere.

In other words I would like to go back to the situation before I moved anything, anywhere.

In other words I would like to go back to the situation before I moved anything, anywhere.

@Robert Ozog​ The bot(child) you are trying to delete is being used by another bot(parent).


If you still want to delete this child bot, delete/disable the reference in parent bot: in this case: PurchaseOrder_Main


If you just wanna clean your specific public folder and all related bots are in same folder:


Repeat till all bots deleted: all bots


3.some files may not deleted(will be deleted next iteration)


Then I'll prefer to re-writhe the whole bot again - preferably with different software :P

Ok, I'll try one more time.

I export the main bot with other bots (reusable) from the private to the public folder.

Can I reverse that? (going back to the situation when all bots are in the private folder and the public folder is empty?



Hi @Robert Ozog​ ,


Error shows that bot which you are trying to delete is having a dependency. Remove this Sub bot from the PurchaseOrder_Main bot and try to delete again you should see the success.
